Title: You're My Exception
Rating: G
Length: 259 words
Summary: A lonely teenaged girl thinks about how her life is going and realizes what one thing makes her truly happy in her life.
Author's Notes: I wrote this really quickly tonight right after the title (and character) came into my mind. It is somewhat depressing.
I can't help thinking how life never seems to go my way. At least, not the way I've always planned it.
I've never had a "happy ending" to something. I've had friendships come and go, none that seem to last all that long, definitely not the kind where you meet aged five and there you are, watching each other's kids grow up, telling them how you first met.
Money is... well, it is an issue. I'm not the richest and I've had to give up a lot because of it. My parents had to give up a lot because of that for me.
There are no brothers or sisters in my life, no one to play with, no one to tease. No one to give hand-me-downs to or get hand-me-downs from. Others complained of siblings taking their toys away, I complained that there's no one to share my toys with.
Boyfriends? What are those? Dates? What do you do on one of those? I don't think I'm ever going to find my Prince Charming or even just a prince. Why would anyone ever be interested in me?
I feel like I'm a burden. To myself, to my family, to others. I'm needy, I can't stand on my own feet. I don't know how.
All of this, it makes my life feel so empty, like there's nothing.
And yet, there is one exception. I guess that's what makes it a rule? And that exception, that one lonely exception that makes me so happy, is you. My cat. My best friend.