Mar 16, 2004 16:36
I’ve found that there is some beauty left-in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you…and whoever is happy will make others happy too. He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery!
I was being honest with you about Sean and myself. I'm sorry if you feel that I lied about not reading the letter. I didn't read your letter... I notice the name from your email and eventually got your number from Sean, plus I had talk to other people about who you were. This other person was also someone that found out that Sean was messing around with. I informed people of the things that Sean was doing... You should have kepted in contact with me, but then you choose to agree with Sean's words. You believed him, returned his calls and even wanted to meet up with him at his house. I read the messages when I got his stuff from the county jail. That's how I found out about your intentions of wanting to see him like he wanting to have you come over. The most fucked up thing is that I warned you in person and told you of Sean's fucked up behavior and told you to keep your distance until things were worked out, whichever way they went. He used my phone to call you... I wished that you would have told me this is what he was doing. Yeah, I did believe that things were OK with us and I will try to believe that you don't respond back to him... but it didn't seem that way with the messages that you sent back to him. How were you being cautious and moving on when you wanted to see him?? I have discussed his actions with his parents, his parents knows that Sean is this demoralized fucked up being who can't treat anyone with the proper attitude. Sean respects no one, hurts and uses everyone to his advantage. I tried to keep in touch with you to prevent Sean from harming others like you, but that didn't work. I realized that I've made a mistake and misjudgment in thinking that Sean will go back to being this great guy that he was at the being, but he mentally screwed... I'm warning you to display yourself from him and don't pick up on him when he contacts you. I have his passwords to all of his accounts because I asked him for it a while back. If you feel the need to believe in Sean, I can give you plenty of proof to know that he's a manipulator and connives his way into peoples lives. Yes, I was upset when I saw the messages, but I know that Sean is at fault for hurting everyone, including his parents. Please stay away from him, he's no good. Sean has emotionally scarred me and it will be hard for me to move on, but I will do it. I stayed around because he promised me he would change and I made the mistake again of believing he was capable of that. I e-mailed you with his email because I needed the other person's email address.
First off.. I don't appreciate you sending these letters and things to other people. Second of all You lied to me about you reading the e-mail sent to Sean. That was a really personal letter. And You Lied to me Face to Face. So you tell me, who am I supppose to believe? Just proves to me that maybe you two do belong together. Xong you say he's bad he's evil, If he's so bad and Evil then why are you still around? Wouldn't it make sense to Just cut everything off? If you really wanted to you could. If he brings nothing but pain why won't you just leave all the pain for me to deal with?You're still so much in-love with him. How Can you send me this e-mail saying you don't care about him anymore when two days ago you were still with him and soo in love with him. Don't Lie to me Please we're both girls looking for love all in the wrong places. I appericate you trying to warn me. But he broke me once and won't do it again. If he wants to hang and i have nothing to do i will hang out with him. Sorry I don't call Sean. Sean Calls me. I don't EVER call him. I hope you know that. I've Moved on. He still calls. Yes I do talk to him, But I'm cautious about what he says and does. Why are you e-mailing me through his e-mail address.. I would read every e-mail you send me. I do respect you.
Take care
Be safe.
<3 Sylamphay