Life Updates.

Oct 12, 2005 08:02

Well, things have been pretty even keeled as of late, so I guess I can't complain. I have been sticking to my list pretty well, and making exceptions where they need to be made. I posted something on myspace the other night which helped the list along...especially with the girls who were getting on my nerves. I have been smoke free again for three days. I plan on making this the final push with those. I don't need them anymore. They have served their purpose...I REALLY don't need them anymore.

We have a show in the city on Saturday night and then the big Halloween show the following week. The band is getting along fine, and my friends have been pretty good lately as well. I finally adopted my two kittens. They have been a handful but I believe they are in my life to teach me patience and understanding. The little one, Seamus, is a bit of a picky eater and sort of a runt. The other one, McKenzie, is a holy terror and quite spiteful when he doesn't get his own way. He likes to let me know he is upset by hiding for hours on end or going potty in inappropriate places. But last night he was sick so I had to take care of him...I think we bonded a bit. They are a lot of fun, but a lot of work and annoy quite easily. They make my days a little happier...they are SO like little people.

Apparently the parents are doing well in Florida though I must admit I haven't talked to big sister in a little while. I will have to call her soon.

Aside from a few financial problems, the responsibilities aspect of my life isn't too bad. School is going well, work is good and I have a few resumes out there for consideration of jobs closer to home. The main one I would like, at the very least to be granted an interview for, is the position of Wellness Director at the local YMCA. It is so close to home and if the salary is even comparable, I'm there if I get an offer. But that also depends on how much we are going to make personal training here when ti comes as as of now, it is in the air.
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