Nov 30, 2012 06:22
Lots to talk about. Let's jump right in.
Caught the Red Hot Chili Peppers in concert at the Rose Garden two weeks ago with Nicole. It was a riot. I wish I had better photos than the ones my cheap cell phone got. They're not worth even uploading to this journal. The show was insane and it all reminds me how much I adore 90's rock. I think her and I will get out to more shows now, especially artists who've been around for more than ten years. Such a total insane ride that was.
Not only has this been the completion of two full years at my job, but it's also the completion of my first year living away from my family. A year ago, I snagged this apartment, and the rest is history. It's been such a wild year! I've really settled in here and when my lease is up in February, I'm seriously considering staying another 15 months. Since I'm helping to shelter Nicole and she is a paying roommate she does have a say in the matter, but if we aren't living here come spring, it'll be because we moved somewhere with a touch more space. But wow, moving is such a pain. It's been twelve months but it still seems like the move was yesterday and I'm reminded of what a chore it was.
Because Nicole and I worked on the actual day of Thanksgiving last week, my family was gracious enough to move our annual feast to the following Sunday. This was actually beneficial for my sister, Val, who was able to be with her fiancé's family on Thanksgiving itself but she ended up getting sick and couldn't make it on Sunday anyway. So Sunday Thanksgiving was actually really great! Nicole got to meet my brother, Ryan, and his fiancé. Everyone got along great and we even stuck around into the evening. My parents, as usual, loaded us up with half of all the food they'd prepared for the meal itself. We've been living large on Thanksgiving leftovers all week. Nicole seems to be meshing into my family well and even my parents are happy with her. Not that I expected them not to be-I knew Nicole would be herself and be wonderful-but it's always nice to know that others are excited with the women I bring home.
So fast forward to yesterday afternoon, Thursday. Nicole and I are at our local Fred Meyer shopping for bagels, chocolate milk, and-of all things-a wrench (We installed a new shower head with a hose and everything). As we're walking out of the store, we almost run over my ex from three years ago, Leann. Talk about the most incredibly awkward moment in my life. It's times like this when I bet there is a God because it was so absolutely cosmic. Had we been five seconds later or earlier, we'd have not seen each other. Anyway, behind a blushing face and sweaty brow, I introduced the girls to each other and chit chatted with Leann for a couple minutes about life and how we never hang out. You know, the typical crap people talk about when they run into their exes while out with their current partner. It was wacky and humorous and crazy. Nicole didn't seem phased at all and later proclaimed that she was glad Leann let me get away so she could have me. My girl makes me smile.
Later in the evening, we went out to a Star Trek event. Last night, around the country, they were showing a couple restored episodes of The Next Generation in certain theaters as a one-time-only thing. It was partly an advertisement for the Blu-rays of the show that are being made. There were about a dozen people dressed up in Trek uniforms and costumes. There was even one dude in a Klingon costume that got a big applause. Seriously, this kinda stuff puts a smile on your face and being in the same room as some die hard fans makes me feel closer to the adoration they must feel. The problem was that half an hour into the actual show, the digital stream being fed to the projector got corrupted and half of the three-hour program was lost. It was a comical loop of employees trying to restart the program again and again only to have it crap out after thirty seconds. The lights would dim then come up and go out again. If the audience wasn't so cordial and understanding, there'd have been some words shouted. Finally, after about fifteen minutes of this light show, employees admitted that the first half of the entire program was lost and we'd only get to see one single restored high-def Next Gen episode (Which still turned out to be awesome). But I'm hardly disappointed! It was a fun event anyway! Even better, to apologize, they gave everyone a free voucher to come back and see any movie, any screening, any time. Hobbit in 3D, anyone? It's on.