Since I was hired in at my job in October, I've merely been a temp. I had originally applied for the job back in August of 2010 and at that time, I went through one interview process. Lots of paperwork, interviews and even a drug test. Hiring me in directly took two months and in the end, the company was so busy that they decided the only way to get me in fast enough was to push me through a temp agency. Thus bore a second round of interviews, more paperwork and more drug tests.
Last week I was informed that the company is dumping the temp agency I go through, which means they're converting me to an in-company temp (Which is what I would have been had they hired me on the first time back in August). Guess what that means? A third round of interviews and paperwork for a job I already have! I'm just waiting for them to tell me to report for a third drug test. Just waiting. So stupid. This is one of the reasons why I dislike gigantic corporations: This hiring process nonsense is completely nonsense. Whatever, though, it's alright. It puts me one step closer to being a fully fledged employee. I would think that they wouldn't be pushing me through all these silly hoops for nothing. But at the same time, I have to ask: What happened to all the paperwork and interviewing I did back in August? Ahhh duhh?
I also learned during a shift meeting that there's gonna be a "shutdown" in June. A shutdown is simply that: They're gonna close the building and turn everything off. First time in three years, I'm told. They have to do it because by law they must allow structural engineers access to check the integrity of the building. They've been putting it off for years but they can't say no forever. I'm hoping for as much as two whole weeks off but we're being told to expect no more than two to four days off. Won't be much of a break, but ohh well. Being a temp means no vacation or sick time so I just have to tough it out. If it is a substantial enough vacation, I'm going on a trip or two. Suggestions I've thought up were Australia and South Dakota to visit Jaci. Australia would be wild. I've got a buddy down under and I can imagine just showing up and crashing on his couch. Man, that would be awesome. Gotta work on my accent.
A month ago, my dad and I conspired to get my mom a laptop for her birthday. With a laptop, she wouldn't need her current desktop machine and so I formulated a plan to turn that desktop computer into a new media server for the house's movies and TV show collection.
As I mentioned in last week's entry, my mom didn't want the laptop and so my plans for a media server were dashed. But then I realized I could just buy a used computer and make the new server happen. On Sunday, I found a guy on Craigslist offing his relatively new
Mac Mini for $300. I snagged it, dubbed it "Voyager" and have spent the week pimping it out to get it ready for prime time. It's actually up and running right now after getting the last part today. This Mac Mini draws a fraction of the electricity of the old media server, makes no noise and generates no heat while doing the same job and running better, newer software. It's perfect. I'm also toying with the idea of using the server to host other things like Minecraft servers and websites. Mmm possibilities...