After Jaci got back yesterday (Sunday) afternoon from her mini-voyage to visit her mother in Nevada, we tried to make up for lost time. Somehow, miraculously, we achieved our three-movie Indiana Jones marathon. For the first time in our adult lives, we were able to really watch the films and understand them as opposed to the kind of viewing a child would have where subtle plot points are completely missed. My favorite is Last Crusade, which to me has the strongest character development and least amount of weakly written 2D characters (Kate Capshaw in Temple of Doom for example). Having a greater understanding and appreciation for the films, I now have expectations for the fourth film currently in theaters. After several of my friends gave the new film terrible marks, I can only wonder what misery awaits. Even the fanboy geek website movie reviewers are critical of what many see as the degradation of fond childhood memories. I have to remind myself it's just a damn movie, but when gas prices are so bad people are trading summer road trips for trips to the local mega-plex cinema, I would think movies would have to step up and be above and beyond. Can I get an "amen"?
Slept till noon today. Laid in bed till 2 PM. Caught a showing of Leatherheads together at 4. That was pretty much our Monday and that was it for the weekend. It more or less flew by. The theater we went to was selling off a large stock of old movie posters, one of which was a rare giant poster advertising The Matrix Reloaded. It showed simply the
digital rain under a glossy layer that made it shine and reflect as you moved your head. They wanted only $5 for it but for some reason, I didn't get it. Later in the evening as Jaci was out visiting friends, I went back to the theater with a change of heart but the poster was gone. I kicked myself all the way back to my car. Furthermore, after doing some eBay research, I came to learn it's worth $50 on the open market. Horrific disappointment and bewilderment are sensations that come to mind. I held it in my hands but I put it back. I'm losing my touch for collecting!
So our big 3.5-day weekend (Jaci has Friday afternoons off) is over and a work-week of days alone in this house is beginning once again. We've settled into a routine that works fine but for some reason I feel aloof. Something just isn't right. Maybe I'm bored. Maybe I don't feel comfortable here. Maybe I just can't settle down because my life is in total flux. Whatever it is, it's affecting my thought processes- I think I didn't get that poster because an idea popped into my head at the time about how much work it'd take to deal with either selling it or properly displaying it. I considered that all my poster gear was back in Portland and saw only the difficulty and expense in ownership as opposed to the value and joy of simply having it and dealing with the specifics later. Capitalism failed me and I paid for it by the poster being gone when I went back for it. I really am losing my touch.
Tuesday is gonna be a busy one. Jaci and I have been "hired" to work elections here in Ada County, Idaho. Tomorrow is Idaho's local-officials primary (The national party primaries were earlier this year) and Ada County, Idaho's most populous stretch of developed former-valley grasslands, needs them some help checkin' all them ballot'y thingies. Being an Oregonian, working Idaho's election should be rather entertaining- I'll be the least biased of them all! I believe I'll be simply checking ballots as they come in from the polling places. They're gonna slip me $10/hour for this arduous work turning the gears of government for my Idaho homies. I think where I'll be is even the center of ballot counting for the whole state, which could be a fascinating peek into the birth of a candidate's victory... If I even know who any of the candidates were.