Rolling out of my bed
I still can't find the truth I've been searching for.
Going back instead I shut my eyes
Dream who I could be once more.
They see the trouble with me is that I'm one who knows
But I just don't understand.
Rolling back my head I think I've learned that I do want to live-
I don't know why it wasn't so obvious until now. I have a title: "Interstate." It just kinda hit me. It's been one of those thinking days; chalk it up to being glued to a showing of
Cast Away on my laptop. Back when it was released in 2000, I remember being fixated only on the achievement of Tom Hanks being alone on screen for half the film. Upon a more serious viewing this evening, I focused more on the themes and the Journey as opposed to the distraction of technical filmmaking prowess. What haunted me the most was how much Hanks' character is radically different by the end- Proof that a second chance at life destines you to never be the same. He's still lost, even on land.
As you could guess, it's pretty late where I am. I should have been asleep hours ago, but I'm my most nostalgic and imaginatively transcendental at night (Holy cow, big words!). If I get too deep into my own existentialism, I may never sleep.