Strange that time is flying by so quickly. The last 7 days have been pretty quiet. Not a whole lot to report on at all. We've begun work on the second retaining rock wall in the front yard and it's coming along nicely. I'm getting some good sun in the process too. Outside of that and trying to get the trip to Minnesota next week fleshed out, not much is happening.
The plan for the trip is for Bryan, Ryan, and me to drive the 1,500 miles to Fargo, North Dakota just in time for Ryan to return to college for the fall semester. We'll be taking 2 separate cars and will only need two days to make the trip. We're even doing something really geeky- we're rigging a camera that will take one photo looking forward every three seconds. We're hooking it up to a computer that will then merge all the images into a time lapse movie. The whole 25 hour trip will be condensed into a matter of minutes. It should be spellbinding. We're planning on leaving sometime around the 10th of August.
Sunday afternoon, I visited my college pals Matt and Cassandra.
I haven't seen them in just over a full year and I can't believe it's been that long. Maybe it hasn't, my memory escapes me at the moment. The pair, unofficially and affectionately dubbed "Matt-sandra", dated throughout college and married within a day of graduation two years ago. They appear to be very happy and of all the relationships I've seen bloom in the last 6 years, theirs seems the most concrete. I went to see them in their new two-level apartment today and it was great to catchup. They taught me this strange game called
Settlers of Catan which is this Risk-esque board game except the board is made of interchangeable hexagons. Furthermore, the goal is to be the first to reach a certain state of infrastructure rather than kill everyone else. It reminds me of Monopoly and chess. Wild stuff.