Sometimes I read too deeply into things. I like to run numbers on things just because I'm either bored or it entertains me to do the math. Tonight, I looked at my student loans and I found out that the interest, which is compounded continuously, accrues just under $2 every day. So every month my student loan costs me $60 in interest, which doesn't sound too bad. I did some more math and found out that if I keep paying $300 a month (Which I have been since March of 2005), I'll have completely paid off my $17,125 loan in August of 2010. Also, because the interest is calculated less each month (Because less of the loan is left), every month I pay exactly $1 less in interest than the month before.
Confused? Care any? Me neither. Moving on.
This entry sports a brand new Buster Bunny icon. The image of Buster himself came from a mid-90's deck of children's Valentine's Day cards. The caption surrounding the rabbit was, "You've got some bunny under your spell." To freshen it up, I gave Buster a thick black stroke outline and added yellow waves of circles growing from his weary head. It'll go a long way to provoking a sense of dazed aloofness. It's also an image I'm surprised I never exploited before, as it was sitting here in a scrapbook right under my nose for a whole decade.
Speaking of scrapbooks, I'm once again working on an art collage. Going back through all my journal entries, it appears I never once mentioned any of my collages. Just after high school, I began making these poster-sized collages as a way to be artistic with advertising I would have otherwise recycled. The first one I made was a collage of dozens of pictures of Macintosh computers from magazines and pamphlets. You can see it by clicking here:
First Macintosh Collage. Pretty, no? Over the years, they became more sophisticated and less sloppy. You can see all five at my online portfolio under the Artwork column at So for my sixth collage, my first since the Nintendo collage was made in December of 2004, I will be taking late-90's English-language Anime magazines and mulching them up into a powerhouse art piece. I should have it done by the end of the week, we shall see.
Ohh yea, happy DAY OF THE BEAST!! 06/06/2006!! MUAHAHAHAA