Way back on the 3rd my friend Bryan's car bought the farm. Well, it isn't gone for good, but it sure seemed that way last week.
The car made some funny surging noises then died as he was doing 50
cranking down 26 into Portland. He was lucky enough to coast onto Jefferson and stop in a parking lot in the
Goose Hollow neighborhood. He called me and I rolled out there and we looked at his engine for a half hour. We couldn't see what was wrong. We left the car there and the next day his father rolled out and looked at it then had it towed to the dealership who fixed it. When he got it back, the problem started up again and he barely got it back to the dealership to have it fixed again. He got the car back again yesterday and the problem is happening yet again. So he's stuck taking the MAX to and from work until someone actually looks at the stupid car and figures out what's really wrong. Fun.
But it gets better. This last Thursday, I drove my sister and I to work and as we got out of my car, we noticed that my rear right tire was noticeably low. Not flat, but low. When the day was over and we got back to the car, the tire was completely flat. We got it off the car (Thank god the spare was pumped and ready for action) and two little metal treads were coming out which meant the belt strips inside were broken. The tire = useless now. So I ran on the spare for a couple days (Bad bunny) and managed to get to Les Schwab yesterday evening to get new tires. I'm back on the road, kids. I do need to rotate the tires tho, they put the 2 new ones on the back which is where the tires get worn the least since
my car has front wheel drive. So new tires go in front. Now I need to get the other problems taken care of. For example, the muffler is falling off, the hatchback risers are worthless, my engine surges when idle, DEQ is coming up in May and I could use hubcaps... or at least paint. And the thing could stand to be washed- It is Summer out there by the looks of it (77 degrees yesterday! GEEZ!).