Shipped from Japan. Prices DO NOT include packaging/shipping/handling. Payment accepted only in Japanese yen through PayPal.
Please refer to the
official site for images.
The following items are available for face value:
Kitayama Set (includes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 20, 27, 34) = ¥4,500
Yokoo Set (includes 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37) = ¥4,500
2 (bag charm) [3 available] = ¥500
3 (magnets) [2 available] = ¥500
4 (portable case) [3 available] = ¥500
5 (mini clips) [2 available] = ¥500
14 (Senga tapestry) = ¥500
28 (Senga silicon clip) = ¥500
35 (Senga mascot) = ¥500
from the first kuji:
pin badges (7 member set) [2 available] = ¥500
magnets (7 colors) [4 available] = ¥500
Please send an EMAIL to green_S2_blue (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) jp with the following information:
Full name:
Shipping address (including country):
Paypal email (if different from the one you use to contact me):
LJ user name (if you have one):