Okay I just have to get this off my chest

May 10, 2007 00:25

Dresden Files show is really starting to annoy me and so are the people that just blindly follow it w/o questioning.

Okay, I can understand that in some cases that you must change the places, characters, and alter storyline slightly in order to adapt a book to TV.  The Dresden file TV show has gone beyond that though. In every way they show their need for a good smacking and to be denied renewal.  #1 they added stupid filler characters not from the book to go off on their own weird direction.  #2 They changed the places (like his apartment is actually attached to his office and his lab is not in an undergrownd room but in more like a panick room w/ a silver door) This in itself would be fine if not encouraged except for #3 they throw in radom show in the middle of all this that changes characters and places back to how they were in the book... they go back to his girlfriend in the book, Susan and also they add his cat and his seperate apt w/ the lab in the basement.  Now I try to talk about my frustration but everyone seems to be blinded by their fandom... "But the TV show isn't supposed to be like the books"  Well if it wasn't suppsed to be anything like the books then why would you create an episode that is just like the books. It creates a series that does not flow and just upsets me because it reminds me of how good they could of done, they just didn't.  So The recent thing that kind of annoyed me is the fact that in the books werewolfs cannot be created by being bitten or scratched. There are basically 4 types and all of them involve some sort of spell or being cursed. This was kewl to me because it set the 
dresden universe appart from the norm things you read or watch. I was very sad when they made an episode devoted to werewolves and guess what ... the girls were being bitten and turned. Now why would you change something like that from the books. It has no plot complication or anything its just stupidity of the writers or who ever decided... HEY lets make the werewolfs just like every other show/movie that you have ever seen and be totally sterio typical. and of course the fans of the show mindlessly watch and don't care that they totally mess up part of the mythology of the story. *grrrrr* I want to like the show but they need to honor the world that the author has created and I don't feel like they have done so at all.

dresden files

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