May 11, 2008 11:26
I don't have my phone. And I feel the need to go get it right now, so that the person who has will be able to call me. That's silly, but that is what having a cell phone will do to you.
I'm not feeling very writey lately. I am feeling very shamiseny and gardeny though. I picked up writing freelance for the paper again, so for the first time in a long time I'm stuck in front of my computer, obligated to finish something.
writing in livejournal to help get me into a writey mode...not sure if it's working...
I got a new job--a better job. "Full-Time Promotion Producer"
The new shift is 2-10pm. There are perks and downfalls to this, just like anything else, but it will be up to me to exploit the perks. I've gotta become more of a morning person. Luckily I won't have all that free time in the evenings to suck down vino and punish my liver.
I've been eating like crap and drinking too much, but my mindset seems pretty healthy (surprisingly?)
I should get a flickr account.