Sep 18, 2012 03:27

I really don't have a lot of headcanon set aside for Ite, as I find it relatively hard for myself to sit and decide on one singular thing before thinking up something else and thinking that it sounds absolutely fantastic and wind up using that instead...and then repeating the process. But here is a list of things that I have headcanoned for Itegami, in case anyone was wondering about some things dealing with him:

» Technically, he is not a blood relative of Amaterasu; she took him in when no one else would and she raised him as her own child before he became the Frost God. He is indebted to her kindness and his loyalty to her would never wane. (More about this below)

» Unsurprisingly, Amaterasu is the most important person in his life.

» Sexuality: Asexual. He has very little interest and desire for any sort of sexual relationship. But he isn't aromantic despite how his attitude on the matter of emotional relationships may be; he wouldn't be opposed to entering one with another person regardless of their gender or sex.
»» He'll only enter an emotional relationships (and perhaps even, out of obligation, allow it to become slightly sexual) with another if there's enough trust there between the two of them.

» He does have an unhealthy attraction towards two of his siblings: Nuregami and Moegami.

» With Nuregami it's something like a derpy, overly innocent crush that wound up turning into an awkward sort of puppy dog love. He tends to get flustered around her rather easily, despite all attempts to make her happy.

» With Moegami the relationship they have is more so physical than emotional and all sort of confusing for him. It's an uncomfortable and touchy subject for him to discuss...

» The rest of his family he just cares for in the familial sense. Nothing more, nothing less.

» After Shiranui's death and the brush gods were scattered across Nippon, Itegami took to the most northern of lands: Kamui. There he kind of just took to chilling out with Oina before being enslaved by the demons.

» He has always had a human form as, before becoming a god, he was born human. Presumably died at the age of 22 (or somewhere in his twenties, Ite does not remember - nor does he wish to), and proceeding to wander up in the North (Kamui), Ite was taken in by Amaterasu and she raised him as her own before he could be tainted by the demons.
tl;dr: Human form = main form; ox form = secondary form

» While he may have a deep voice in his oxen form? Itegami's human voice is a hell of a lot softer but has a slightly disinterested and monotone tone to it. Picture Nobuhiko Okamoto, if you will.

Examples: One, Two, Three (Y-Yeah, they're all Usui...)

» If you manage to ruffle his feathers there will be much blushing and flailing going on. Have fun with getting him down to that though.

» Is a light weight when it comes to drinking so he tends to avoid doing anything of the sort. (This does not stop Kasu from forcing him to do so...)

» Appears to be in his late teens/early twenties in his human form (I go by TAM's profile of her making him 22 in human form) and stands at 5'8"


» Primarily calls people by the honorific '-san', since he tends to be a bit on the well-mannered and proper side. Will use '-kun' or '-chan' every now and then. Ite really only forgoes the honorific if it's his family or a friend/someone he's relatively close to.


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