Jun 19, 2004 00:06
my brother asked me if i wanted to buy his car earlier today. he's getting a new one and got this one just two years ago for $7,000 and asking for $900 because that's how much it's worth now according to that blue book thing or whatever it is that you check to see how much cars are. my car's year is 1990 and i'm wondering how long it will last. my brother's car came out in 1997 so perhaps it will last a while and he takes care of it. i plan on moving after december somewhere where i won't need a car like boston or nyc or some other big city where you don't really need a car so i don't know if i should get it. but i might be commuting this semester and don't know if my car will make it through it or not. the car's too cheap for me to just pass up though. i don't know.
i saw punch-drunk love today. that movie is soooo good. but i was surprised when it ended because it seemed like it ended without even like some kind of finale almost. but in a way i like that. it was realistic and not overblown or exaggerated how they ended up together and just really sweet. i have to watch it again tonight. partly because i watched it earlier today and people were being noisy and i need to totally concentrate while watching a movie.
and something really neat happened yesterday. i noticed it raining and it was sunny. i walked onto my back porch and noticed that it was showering in my neighbors yard but not in mine. weird that it stopped at my yard.
and i can't make this entry friend's only for some reason. what the crap! and no mood thing either. double-crap!