So we were playing
Gloom with Uboat's mom and sister, trying to figure out who needs to be Menaced by Mice, Mauled by Manatees, Delighted by Ducklings, Startled by Snakes, or get some sort of Gorey-esque untimely death. You want your family to be as miserable as possible before they die, and you try to cheer your opponents' families up. Lovely, really.
At any rate, I'm fiddling with the instruction sheet, and notice that
dr_tectonic is listed as a playtester. How cool is that?
My observations from our one play-through: fun game, neat transparent cards and nice art. Text is WAY too small- Uboat's mom had to use a magnifier to read anything, and we had to look closely, which is a problem if you're planning to poach cards from across the table. The base people/families had no distinguishing characteristics, which seemed a waste- they should at least get one of the little skulls, hearts, money piles, or other distinguishing marks on their base cards to make them interesting as more than a name for the story of woe. The stories of woe were definitely the best part, and got better with practice. By the end even Uboat's sister was having a good time with the stories.