I wanted to play with this idea a little...And inspiration struck while I was on the bus today :3
The science man wanted to fix him.
Waspinator knew that Taiitsu was itching to get his hands on him again. Ever since that day -that horrible, horrible day- when Taiitsu had repaired him, the technophile had not-so-subtly been dropping hints that he’d like to get a closer look at his systems.
He could fix that glitch in Waspinator’s vocal processor; oh, of course he could! Tweak a few things here, replace a few things there, update his systems. He could wipe that unfortunate speech impediment right out of Waspinator’s processor like it was a bad virus.
The bug didn’t doubt that this was true.
What most people didn’t realize, however, was that Waspinator didn’t care about being “fixed.”
Others tended to assume one of two things: Either Waspinator’s speech patterns came from being reformatted as a wasp -the assumption there being that the buzzing quality came from being a buzzing insect- or he was broken in some way, or else why wouldn’t he be able to speak properly?
Neither of these things was true.
It was heightened when he took on his insect alt form, the buzzing becoming much more pronounced. But Waspinator had come online with his vocal glitch. It was as much a part of him as his wings or his paint job. It was something that made him him and he would never consider changing something that important about himself because some one else found it unappealing.
He came online with his speech quirk and he would go offline with his speech quirk.
So when Taiitsu offered to fix him, the answer was always a firm “no.”
After all, there was nothing to fix.