Please forgive me my tardiness in thanking the lovely people that gifted me with v-gifts over the holidays. The overdue thank yous go out to
rainbow1907 and
maximvanziel. Thank you all so much for thinking of me. I'm always delighted to receive v-gifts!
How were your holidays? Did you have a white Christmas or green? I had a lovely Christmas which included time with all of my family plus a guest from Germany who appeared to love our Christmas traditions and the food that was part of the holidays. I also had a week plus two days off from work. I loved that!!
I continued to knit through the holidays, and plan to post some pictures before this day is over!
A little late to post, but in years past I have shared some of the decorations and cat-mayhem from my house, and I just have to share some of the pretties from my home!
Thank you for looking at pictures from my home during the holidays.
I wish you all a wonderful 2013!