My nearly annual trip to the Big Apple was the week of April 27. We arrived in the city, via un-air conditioned motor coach, on the Monday during a nice warm spell, to put it mildly. We arrived earlier than normal, but missed out on the fly by of Air Force One (I am refraining from calling it Air Farce One - what a stupid idea!!) by a few hours, thankfully.
Every visit seems to have a theme and this year's theme was great theatre. I saw a show each night, and loved each and every performance. I took in a dramatic play with "Irena's Vow", a dramedy with "Distracted" and saw some of the best musicals, IMO, that Broadway currently offers: "Billy Elliot" (which I saw with a dear friend), "Next to Normal" and "Rock of Ages". Yes, I consider "Rock of Ages" pretty darn good. Besides the '80s rock music, the drinks served by cute waiters, I was overjoyed to see and hear resounding appreciation for a character that was as flamboyant as flamboyant can be; a character written to be in the closet, but was the epitome of every gay stereotype! The actor playing him received the loudest applause of the night during the curtain call!!
The weather was great for most of the week, which allowed me to travel to some of my favourite quiet spots as well as places I've never seen in person before. My old favourites are still my favourites.
New York City, Manhattan, is a wonder to the eyes and senses. I carry the feelings of joy and peace with me when I leave, and, by doing so, I have to deal with a little melancholy upon each return. :)
New York City, I love you.
A few pictures from my trip:
A slide show of my pictures can be found
here. Photobucket and I struggled a bit, so you will find some pictures out of order. Please ignore the spelling mistakes and please let me know if I have mislabeled something. Thank you.