As you've probably noticed, I've more or less abandoned LiveJournal. I still come read the entries of those of you left writing them, but I haven't much felt the need to post here directly.
I feed in
Quiet Babylon, but I remain uneasy about that. The more time I spend thinking about social networks like LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, etc, the more I feel like automatically importing feeds is a bad move. It's why I've largely abandoned Facebook (except for event invites and messaging people who's email I don't know). The site has become a slurried mess of auto-updates, imported garbage, and miscellaneous content which mashes together updates from my dearest friends with people I met once at a social networking workshop.
Indeed, I feel so strongly that auto-importing feeds is a bad move that I've
written a manifesto to that effect.
The last time I discussed auto-importing Quiet Babylon, people seemed to think that it wasn't so bad. I was motivated at the time by wanting a bigger audience, and by the fact that you guys were commenting on the automatic QB LJfeed, which gave me no notifications, meaning that I wouldn't see what you had to say. I'd prefer that you comment
over there than over here, but who am I to tell you what to do with your lives?
So I'm thinking of turning off the feed entirely. If you wanted to keep reading, you could
follow the syndicated feed or just follow
the actual site (updated Mondays and Thursdays!). If you wanted to comment, you could send me an email or make a post of your own discussing your ideas or any number of other solutions.