Aug 01, 2004 21:29
havent done one of these in a while..
When was the last time you...
Smiled?: half hour
Laughed?: soccer
Cried?: aw
Bought something?: 4 days
Danced?: while
Were sarcastic?: im never sarcastic.
Kissed someone?: mm..whats in a week from now?
Talked to an ex?: 15 minutes?
Watched your favorite movie?: dont have one
Had a nightmare?: 5 days
A last time for everything...
Last book you read: 4th july weekend
Last movie you saw: dodgeball
Last song you heard: something by dmb
Last thing you had to drink: water
Last time you showered: after soccer
Last thing you ate: food
Do you...
Smoke?: nopppe
Do drugs?: haaaaa
Have sex?: park?
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
Live in the moment?: sure
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nah
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: i did once?
Play an instrument?: not really anymore
Believe there is life on other planets?: aliens?
Remember your first love?: did i have one?
Still love him/her?: idt so?
Read the newspaper?: once in a while
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: lesbos would be cool.
Believe in miracles?: uhhhhh sure
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: no. welllllll yeah, no.
Consider love a mistake?: nah
Like the taste of alcohol?: rubbing alcohol hits the spot.
Have a favorite candy?: apples
Believe in astrology?: grapes
Believe in magic?: bananas
Believe in God?: not really..but something happens when you die.
Pray?: cant say i do
Go to church?: dont enjoy it..
Have any secrets?: not off the top of my head
Have any pets: doggg
Do well in school?: im gunna do good next year.
Go to or plan to go to college?: oh yaaaa..cant wait
Have a major?: physical therapy? exercise science?
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: yeah
Wear hats?: once in a while
Have any piercings?: left ear
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself?: great question
Have an obsession?: you might call it one
Have a thing for somebody?: its complicated..but i like it
Do they know yet?: yes
Collect anything?: used to do baseball cards. now im too poor to collect stuff
Have a best friend?: had one. now im a loser.
Wish on stars?: shooting
Like your handwriting?: yes.
Have any bad habits?: one or two
Care about looks?: everyone cares about looks. everyone. dont argue.
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: dont have one..
Believe in witches?: why not
Believe in Satan?: santa is cool..
Believe in ghosts?: not sure..
do you have any regrets: not exactly
sex or love: calm down
favorite coffee: not a heavy drinker
brand of cigarettes: who honestly smokes
favorite scent: mm
what REALLY makes you mad: annoying people.
favorite way to waste time:
if you won $50,000,000 what would you do with it: put 49 mil in the bank and then buy a car and a house and pay for college. have a party...a big party. and then go to the park.
what is your best quality: define quality
are you currently in love/lust: idk really know what lust means..but i guess lust?
what's the craziest thing you have ever done: i dont do crazy stuff..just stupid things once in a while
do you find it hard to trust people: at first
do you ever doubt yourself: ever? yes. alot? no.
bath or shower: shower
city or country: both
favorite season: uhhhh idk. winters cool for skiing. everything else for soccer.
porn or erotica: guess.
what is your favorite flavor: of what
what is your favorite time of day: anytime
gold or silver: silver
what is the lamest pickup line someone has used on you: no one uses pick up lines.
any secret crushes: not a secret
do you ever feel you are insane: nope
favorite film genre: depends on mood
if you could be the opposite sex for one day, would you do it: of course
what do you desire most in life: to not fuck up.
do you believe in destiny: you make your own destiny. bitch.