A Random Act of Kindness :)

Dec 14, 2008 01:43


So, today I experienced a great wonderful example of what a random act of kindness can bring about!

A random act of kindness is a purposeful out-of-the-way demonstration of kindness that benefits another person through any simple action that a person must consciously choose to perform - most of the time by crossing over social boundaries that sometimes may place oneself at (mostly social) risk however minimal.

Karen took me tonight to the SF Symphony to watch a black gospel group from Chicago perform Christmas songs. It was so incredible and interactive! I loved the talent, the attitude and the pride that the group exerted. Imagine a bunch of dressed up people standing up and shouting carols back and forth, dancing in a symphony hall! It was such a surge of energy after a long day...and having a final this morning in Psych 101.

So, we had taken the BART there and back (meeting a lot of I-House friends who were on their way to have dinner in Little Italy - Karen recommends the Stinking Rose where all their dishes are garlicy!)... and on the way back was when it happened! Karen's sleeping, and I'm sitting across from some strangers - as you would on any other BART day. The guy across from me was coughing a bit, much like I had done last night - so without a word I reached into my purse, smiled and handed him a cough drop I had carried with me in there, "Would you like a cough drop?"
He looked surprised and smiled, "Thank you!" and proceeded to offer me what was in his box...

One of the many chocolate covered strawberries in his box! "Oooooh woow!" *hand to mouth in awe and Oh!*

He turned out to be a sous chef from The City Club, and I guess he was taking extras home with him! I gave him my card in case he wanted to cook with kids sometime... and then I gifted my new gourmet dessert to Karen, waking her up (by a neighboring stranger's suggestion) by waving it under her nose. It was hilarious. Then he gave me another one, and proceeded to ask everyone else around us within reach...if they would also like one!

It was so cute and kind of a moving moment! There was this couple in the back cuddling, and he interrupts to offer them some. There was a BART driver sitting there too who cracked a joke about how no food is supposed to be allowed on the BART, but she winked at us all. Pretty soon everyone was nibbling on a chocolate covered strawberry, and laughing! So much better than a silent boring waiting BART ride :).

And that, my friends, are the effects of a simple random act of kindness
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