norsekink is giving me, well, Ideas

May 26, 2012 08:15

I have just finished a bigbang length Chinese fic with with iris242x and now am in the middle of a WIP with her, also turning out to be ridiculously long. And I promised her to write something for her birthday, probably an AU (which, you know, also tends to be long).

BUT! norsekink, why must you tease me so!!!!

I need to find the time to squeeze some of the English stuff into my fic writing schedule!

There is:
1. The T/L, W3+Sif gen piece
2. The Odin/Loki AU-ish piece (that is going to kill me)
3. The T/L Taj Mahal piece (IDEK okay)
4. The Loki's Avengers diary piece (I am thoroughly smitten with this idea!)
5. The Dark!Thor and graphic Loki giving birth while in Asgard dungeon piece (again, IDEK okay)

And this is not counting the fake-cannibalism sex piece that I was thinking about.

My poor, poor Darkness in Light....when am I ever going to finish it?

thor & loki

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