Texts from the Tenth Circle

Apr 17, 2011 02:26

Some of the texts I sent to ligeia last year.

3/9: I am wholly convinced that all K/S stories end happily. If one is not, it only means it is not the real ending.

3/26: Oh there look, Dukat just kicked the bucket.
(I was at a B&N reading a mirrorverse novel in which Dukat and Kira were FREEDOM FIGHTERS together while Julian was a Child of Khan, it was such awesomesauce, except for the absence of Garak.)

3/29: Tribble sex is teh bomb!
(ligeia was telling me how the audiofic makes the tribble interaction sounds even filthier.)

4/29: Never thought I'd be writing transsexual porn in a high school French class.
(No, you can't read it.)

4/30: Thinking about a trip to North Africa. I blame Siddig like woah.
(I still do.)

5/2: On subway somebody played Quizas Quizas Quizas aka the Garak/Bashir song. It was so beautiful! *_*
(I couldn't sing along though because I only vaguely knew the Spanish lyrics.)

5/5: Writing ridiculously sappy young!S/I fic now. So going to hell.

5/7: Still can't get over master!Saladin and pet!Nasir. So, so going to hell.
(Yeah. Obviously.)

star trek: ds9, star trek (english), movies/电影

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