A straight guy on BBC Sherlock.

Aug 29, 2010 08:13

I watched the first episode of the BBC Sherlock with The Guy last night. (Well, re-watching for me.) He quite enjoyed it and was a real sport when various innuendos were made about Sherlock being gay. (After the non-diner-proposition bit, he turned and asked me: "So, Holmes is gay, ya?" Alas, I had too much heart to lie to him….)

Unsurprisingly, when Mycroft came out he thought it was Moriarty and got really excited. Thus at the end of the episode, when Big Bro showed up again with the "I CARE" button, something awful occurred to him.

"Oh my God. I know why you like watching this show! It's because Holmes and Moriarty are ex-lovers!"

There wasn't a whole lot I could say in reply to that. There really wasn't.

In other news, I got linked to brother_mine. It looks promising, and I will definitely check it when I come back from the meeting with jou, latenightarting, dissociate, and (possibly?) roseeclipse.

顺便说一句,破烂熊翻译组翻译的BBC Sherlock第一集真的做得很棒~可能是我目前看过的所有(不只是Sherlock!)中文字幕中最好的。

sherlock (english)

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