Jul 21, 2009 05:57
I am suddenly hit with the realization that I gave up on Harry Potter not because Sirius Black died. No, I gave up on reading Harry Potter when Sirius Black died; but what made me turn away from the whole series (as in, a total ceasing of interest in all things related to it), in retrospect, was the Harry/Ginny ship. To be fair, I had not read the parts pertaining to it, but I was aware of the fan reactions around me, and they were pretty uniformly bad. As I was not about to read the actual book (see: Sirius Black being dead thing), I kind of had to take other people's words for it.
Incidentally, it's not because of slash. I don't ship Harry with anybody, at all. Never did and probably never will. (Although come think of it, HP gave me a great het couple for the parts that I did read: Ron/Hermione.)
Which leads to a mini rant, actually:
I am SICK of the whole "oh you are against a het-ship/female character because you are being unfair to women" mantra that I keep hearing. No. No. No. No. NO. I don't like YOUR het-ship because it's in conflict with my OTP (which happens het or slash), and I don't like YOUR favorite female character because I find her annoying or downright Mary Sue-ish. I like my het couples and female characters just fine, just not the ones YOU like. So stop making assumptions about me, bitch. yeah, I went there. I am that mad about it.
There may well be a dearth of likable/strong/_________ female characters in popular media today, and yes that is a problem. But the solution is NOT trying to tell me that I SHOULD like or identify with the more popular candidates (because hey, I must be prejudiced if I don't).
And seriously? It's absolutely ridiculous that I should even feel the need to defend myself and my choices like this.
Feminism means liberation. Stop trying to oppress me with it.
star trek (english),
harry potter,