Love is Like a Shower of Stars (FF8 drabble, Squall + Rinoa)

Mar 26, 2009 15:27

This is a part of the Sins of the Fathers universe, which grew out of the drabble June Bride. Also in the same universe is Molten Core (Rinoa POV) and To Nowhere (Seifer POV).

Written for ffviii_100 prompt No.21: wishes.

Title: Love is Like a Shower of Stars
Characters: Squall, Rinoa
Rating: G

At the ancient age of twenty-two, he's too old for this birthday business. Birthday hat, ice cream cake, surprise party—a veritable plague brought on Balamb by the joy named Selphie Tilmitt.

Nevertheless, after all the guests have left, he is genuinely moved when Rinoa presents him with a small homemade cake shaped vaguely like Griever.

"Make a wish, Squall."

When he opens his eyes again, he sees that all-to-familiar look on her pretty porcelain face.

He doesn't tell her that his wish is for her and her happiness alone. As for himself, he has no more use for wishes.

english drabbles, final fantasy 8, 自家小短文

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