some of the TV series I've been watching

Nov 03, 2014 12:36

  1. Foyle's War—only watched the first series so far. The characters are great and the historical backdrop is very nicely done. Looking forward to seeing the rest on Netflix & glad to know there is a new series coming out next year.

  2. Constantine—A bit too early to decide.

  3. Elementary Season 3—I Am Confused. Is this really the show I had fun watching in the past two seasons? Way too much relationship stuff and not enough murder mystery, sigh. What is with this Kitty character? And ugh I can't dig Holmes' new haircut at all.

  4. Gotham—surprisingly entertaining even though some characters (Barbara Keane, I'm looking at you) are kinda flat. Harvey Bullock and his partner ship with Gordon has really grown on me (although after this last episode....). Alfred and Lil' Bruce Wayne are good, too. Penguin is...uh let me put it this way, if he had better looks, I'm sure there would be a load of Gordon/Penguin fics out there. Oh and Edward Nygma reminds me of Q, except not as pretty. I am still not quite certain what to make of Fish, but I shall follow her storyline with interest....


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