About democracy

Oct 04, 2010 02:45

I’m quite used to hear that the main problem of modern progressive world is to install democracy in the whole world. I don’t think so and now I would try to convince you in my rightness.

First of all , let’s use Wikipedia and define democracy.

Democracy is a political form of government in which governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people (representative democracy).

Reading it, it’s wonderful to realize that you have power to change your life; your future depends on you. Freedom is yours! But it’s not so easy.

At first, democracy is a power of majority. If 51% of people vote for something, other 49% should deal with it. Too much injustice to turn a blind eye to it.

Secondly, freedom is not permissiveness. Someone’s freedom ends where yours begins. It’s easy to understand but quite hard to follow. For example, there’re many of us who likes fast driving, Ok, it’s your choice to jeopardize your life or not, but you must remember, you can accidently kill someone. This example is not political enough, but it illustrates the point of this thornyproblem perfectly.

Thirdly, democratic society cannot foresee probable problems, it’s not capable of addressing any issue in distant future. People care about their economic problems, but politics is like playing chess, you have to estimate what you will be tomorrow and what will your opponents do, I’m not sure ordinary people would abstract from everyday life to think of future. By the way, do you know many people who, at least, play chess well?..

I’m convinced that every great empire must have a group of people which estimates what can happen to the world in the future to plan what their country has to do to stay powerful and prosperous.

Now we live in a unipolar world, though the power of the state which rules the world is not legitimate enough, still, you guess I’m talking about the USA.

They do have democracy, but at a low level, for example, in a town. I would try to explain the system of governing in the USA, but it’s a very complicated question and it would take too much time to look into.

But how can one empire decide the fate of the peace with the help of democracy?.. Sure, they can decide the fate, but not with the help of democracy.

We know they consider themselves as liberals, that means, on the one hand, they allow people to earn money and spend it in the way they want to, they just let them do what they do, so, if you want to sit around doing nothing, it’s your turn. On the other hand, they stimulate new branches to explore, they stimulate employment. That seems to be good. Of course, it’s good for Americans, but not for everyone else.

Because to live well this country needs more resources than it has, that’s why the USA tries to bend to their will other countries which have precious oil, gas, metals, the space, people to work. That’s why they make war in Iraq, that’s why they luckily collapsed the USSR, that’s why people in Africa starve.

Also we know that Americans are very pragmatic, they do anything if they know their efforts are repaid. Do you believe everyone who promises you the moon is going to give it to you for free?

Were I an American politic, I would do the same, as I want my people, my country to prosper. But I live in Russia and I love Russia, so I’m against so-called liberalism and democracy, because, smiling, they steal all you have.


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