Nov 03, 2010 23:26
I am procrastinating, but I have to change my last assignment on the syllabus to make my kiddos happy in the English class linked with the freshman seminar largely focused on volunteer work, and am writing an assignment asking them how they plan to become, or already are "The people the world needs most." Yep. I said it. Those people.
So, this may sound terribly cheesy for those GU alums out there as my potential livejournal readers, and possibly even to my one non- GU livejournal friend.
They had a free write/ group work/ presentation on what they thought the "You are the people" statement meant during the first week of class, and wrote on their mid-semester evaluations that they felt the class was not linked to the theme enough. Which means that I need to be explicit, although I had assumed they were more sophisticated.
I'm nervous and a bit annoyed that I have to re-write an assignment, but I think it will suit our class needs best, and will be more fun and easier to grade than the informative report they were planning to write.
May I just add that the mid-term evaluations we have to go through are only for these linked courses, and that they are called SKIDS. That word reminds me of skid marks, which is an unfortunate association. However, after being told what I have done wrong all semester by a woman my students said yelled at them to make decisions about what to say on their SKID forms, and then going back to class to see them all for the rest of the semester, I would say that yes, the SKID process seems very shitty to me.
However, I am dorkily excited about making them respond to my quote from the University that wasn't trying to fire all of its tenure track faculty and replace them with underpaid minions like myself, even if the phrase "You are the people the world needs most" is extraordinarily cheesy.