Mar 03, 2014 13:30
Why does it seem that every time I see the light at the end of the tunnel my train throws it's self in reverse?
Anyone who watches my videos is aware that back in October of 2013 I sustained an injury to my right shoulder due to one person's laziness and another person's lack of intelligence. I pleaded with my employer to work with me and give me something I could do within my abilities. Instead of working with me they terminated my employment when, at the end of my leave of absence, I was not able to return to work without restrictions.
I have worked in the health care field for 14 years. Thirteen of those years as a Certified Home Health Aide and, if I may say so, a damned good one at that. I never looked upon the people I cared for as nothing more than a paycheck but as human beings who, at one time, were able to do for themselves. I never degraded them or made them feel useless just because they needed my help but did everything in my power to make them comfortable with their situation. In other words..I did my job and then some...a lot some!!!
Since this has happened my life has been on a steady down hill slope. My children and I were just starting to be able to enjoy life rather than constantly struggling and now that is all gone. Every day I have to worry about how I'm going to pay bills and provide for my family. Something, as a parent, you feel keenly when you have no answer. I have applied for emergency assistance..still waiting to hear about that and it's been a month...trying to stave off an eviction from our home. We've applied for emergency assistance to avoid having our power/gas shut off..still nothing there and that's been a month as well. Two of my children work and do their best to help but lets face it keep cutting back on hours so they can line their pockets with money while screwing over the people who keep their businesses up and running!
In the past 2 weeks I have put in over 40+ applications for employment to no avail. I am unable to return to the work I have done for 14 years due to my limitations and due to my lack of experience in other fields, the outlook is rather grim. I have oodles of experience in several different areas of crafting and yet was turned down for a job at our local Joann's all because I do not know how to run a register! How pathetic is that?! Most of the employees they have lack knowledge in running a 'real' register..I mean how hard could it be to train me to stand there scanning bar codes and hitting a button indicating whether they are paying by cash, credit, debit or check! I'm by no means stupid and have the ability to learn anything you can teach relatively quickly. But no....
So here I sit day in and day out trying to find a job. Hoping beyond hope that there will be someone willing to take a chance and hire me. I'm by no means a lazy person..I'm not looking for the government programs to support me for the rest of my life..I'd rather do that myself as I have for many, many years but just asking to give me a hand while I struggle through yet another brick wall that is and has been my life.
And so ends my 'rant' and my 'dumping-my-problems'. Does it make me feel better? Not really but it can't hurt to let it out..right?
In better news..I have been contacted by the lawyer handling my case...they have finally agreed on a settlement for my injury! Though it is by no means what I feel I should be entitled to for all that I have been through...pain and suffering, loss of career, etc., it will hopefully be enough to get me through until I can secure employment and get me back on my feet.
Thanks for listening! And Have a Wonderful Day!