Dad demanded to watch the end of Finnish HIGNFY before he could call me and give me his credit card number, for the Ryanair flights needed to take The Grouse to The UK.
*bounces off the walls of Grouse House like a feathery ping-pong ball*
So. I'm arriving on the 19th of September, very late in the evening.
Frank would give me a ride from the airport to Bristol, but he seems reluctant. So, if any people living in Kent (that's where Stansted mostly is, right?) would like to offer to do the job to drive Grouse to Brizzle or Bath... Or, likewise, Bristolians/Bathonians? Frank told me he fears he will be stressed and irritated, but I'm glad for his altruism in helping out a friend. It means a lot to me.
The next time I'll be in Finland will be a brief weekend visit 13-15 Oct. to take more Stuff into the UK. More on that on the
lagopus journal.
But yay anyway! WHOO!
*continues ping-ponging from floor to wall to ceiling to wall*