Gah. I went to HellSinKi 'cause this lovely Canadian-but-living-in-Bristol B7 fan lady wanted a proper FINLAND souvenier t-shirt. She sent me 60e for it.
The bad news: the train was so hideously expensive I'd miscalculated the price of the tickets, and ended up paying 40 EUROS, PEOPLE, for a 100 kilometre trip. Wankers. And bigger wanker, whichever bit of my brain it is that CAN'T HANDLE SIMPLE STUPID SUMS. Grrr.
Still, got to see friends and as the access to the India Express exhibit was free today, I got to do another tour--for
leimutar, Jari and LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE I HAD NEVER MET AND WAS ASCARED. And stuttered and was nervous a bit and flailed with Lakshmi 'cause
kainoliero wasn't there to help this time. Wah. But the tat was good and I got a bar of sandalwood soap. And another poster, as if I needed more Hindu tat, but it had the fiercest, angriest Kali I'd ever seen, thus-->*Grouseflail*--> *Grousegrab*.
And um. Then went to see PotC2 with
aallotar and her lovely daughter Tuulia...
...but overall, good fun.
The Deppster: eye candy and pirate candy. Jack Sparrow PWNZ.
And WTF BARBOSSA. FUCK YES. Prefer him over Davy Jones, even though Bill Nighy is teh rox0rz.
Elizabeth was fucking useless as usual, great, her tactics of diplomacy consist of SCREAMING and FAINTING. How emancipated. NOT. The only good bits were when she was in drag and actually did a bit of whupass, I did like the trick with the dress and fiery Tortuga.
The Cthulhu Gang were in it a bit too much (er... "Davy Jones" is pirate slang for the Devil, but when did he become one of the Old Ones? And Wake The Kraken? Wonder what Lovecraft would've thought) and the action sequences lasted too long--there's only so long you can suspend your disbelief, and duelling while running on a wheel for minutes on end is not one of them, no. I'd prefer short but beautifully choreographed fights rather than long ones with lots of repetition, y'know?
And again, stupid anachronisms, grrr. Port Royal was destroyed in an earthquake in 1692, and had *Henry Morgan* the pirate-turned-buccaneer as its governor from 1675, and in 1687, Jamaica passed anti-piracy laws, after which the place was known for the executions of pirates, lots of hangings and shit. And yet there's a ridiculous amount of post-earthquake-era costuming and and and and ARRRGH. So we're to assume it's very, very late 17th century, sketchily. Oookay... at least they didn't make Elizabeth wear an obvious 1789 corset this time, but the dress could've been from that period... *gnarr gnarr* Ok, shouldn't bitch, since, hey, zombies and Cthulhu...
And hey, Orli is good eye candy. I'll put his l33t fighting skillz down to him Actually Being Legolas. I nearly shouted "LEGOLAS!" at the moments when he showed superhuman feats of strength...
But what pwnz0rzed the most was...
TIA DALMA!!!!!!!!1111111♥♥♥♥♥♥&hearts!!"!!#2P0AS89EW07T4W76KJKLKLKLjhhhffffföklöälk
All in all, I'm very capslock-y today. Ho hum.