Doing Dodgy Doctor Who Actor Pics duty again:
158 screencaps of David Tennant in drag as "Davina" in Rab C Nesbitt--David's first TV role back in 1993. A rather stunning debut, dahling:).
(The above cap was resized -50%, the originals are bigger.)
I'd upload the bugger if I could find a filesharing place that worked for me. Even if I take the firewall down, the damn things keep dying mid-upload. I'd love it if other people could see this. Not just because of the pretty but to translate a few things to this non-Scot, the Glaswegian accents are so thick in this I had to keep rewinding. I still don't know what on earth Davina says to Rab after bumping into him (apart from the "sorry")...
[ETA: Gallery should be accessible now, f¤&king Semagic keeps defaulting into Private whenever I switch between galleries. GRR.]