I think the world in general needs more ecstatic joy and fun. Part of the reason why I'm Pagan is that for me, the worship involves ecstasy, drumming, singing, chanting, dancing, joy
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Tree-hugging is of the good and so on. I personally like Paganism so much because it makes sense to find poetry and literally, divine yayness in the world itself. I'm agnostic about past lives and always open to change, so feck knows. The most important thing for me worldview-wise is to just... *be*, right here and right now, and try to enjoy it even if shitty stuff happens. And usually shit is because of Humans and not because of nature itself. I'm not surprised there are a few Pagans who firmly believe the earth would be better off if humans just went and died off, because Mommy Nature really ought to kick our arses after what we've done to her.
And oh yeah, Sufism totally pwnz. Need to study it more. I find it interesting that it's mingled with the same stuff that made up Buddhism and Tantra and appeared about the same time with them in the early Middle Ages in a big move towards poetic, ecstatic and this-world-enjoying and equalist stuff in spirituality. Good stuff.
I don't think I possess the ability to have guilt-free fun of any sort as I am too laden with vast belief about own undeservingness, but you'd have to pretty crazed to base a religion on it. And when you're at the point of "it's wrong because it is" you've gone a bit wrong. I enjoy the way that any form of intelligent thought within a religion is the only thing worse than atheism as far as its fundies are concerned. I met a site that called Christians with tattoos "so-called Christians" because God hates tattoos because he does. They are the Jesus equivalent of people who believe that speaking in dialect leads to rape and murder.
Tree-hugging is of the good and so on. I personally like Paganism so much because it makes sense to find poetry and literally, divine yayness in the world itself. I'm agnostic about past lives and always open to change, so feck knows. The most important thing for me worldview-wise is to just... *be*, right here and right now, and try to enjoy it even if shitty stuff happens. And usually shit is because of Humans and not because of nature itself. I'm not surprised there are a few Pagans who firmly believe the earth would be better off if humans just went and died off, because Mommy Nature really ought to kick our arses after what we've done to her.
And oh yeah, Sufism totally pwnz. Need to study it more. I find it interesting that it's mingled with the same stuff that made up Buddhism and Tantra and appeared about the same time with them in the early Middle Ages in a big move towards poetic, ecstatic and this-world-enjoying and equalist stuff in spirituality. Good stuff.
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