Mar 02, 2006 07:09
I had inspiration this morning to start making a fun little web toy (possibly a test or something) involving the dodgiest Doctor Who-related photos out there--namely, real, risqué photos that are *not* screenshots or fakes. I'd appreciate it if youg guys could help me to find some of 'em, so let me know if any are online. So far I have these:
-Katy Manning and Dalek
-Seventies Porn Colin
-Carole Ann Ford's pin-ups
-Peri's Pubes
-David Tennant in nothing but a policeman's helmet
-Nyssa in her underwear
-Shirtless Troughton being cuddled by Frazer in his shorts
...and would love to see others (but preferably not of the actors mentioned above). I know I've seen pics of Nicholas Courtney in drag on stage (ow, my brain) and Richard Franklin in drag too, but those were in some random DWMs and I don't have scans of them yet. So... let me know of other piccies and I'll see if I can whip up some bawdy Who web-fun:).
doctor who,
the dodgy world of doctor who