
Nov 07, 2005 17:25

Ok, so here are the results of the resurrected interests meme. I couldn't be arsed to colour them in this time... as they're under 10 k each, I'm just going to be evil and smack them all here. Yes. And they're far sketchier than usual so you won't complain about me using the mouse pen, heathens;).

astrogirl2 stars in Teh Betteh: Living on the internet. Plus Vir the cat.

lurkerbunny: The Master comes face to face with Seventies Porn Colin. Word of advice though: please don't put every single quiz result you've ever had in your life on your userinfo page if you want anyone to bother reading it. Seriously. It's just silly.

spacefall: Um... it's Watson: Action Transvestite and Holmes eating carrots because they've gone vegan. It's not even supposed to make any sense, no. And I do worry about the carrot Holmes is holding.

Mcnerdcakes: Dylan Moran's homoerotic surtext and Bernard/Manny. Just so you know it's not Robert Smith:P...

lepaggoth: 'tis a metalhead vampire bunny. I'm sorry...

I might even be tempted into doing more. Who knows.
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