It's raining pens, hallelujah

Oct 17, 2005 16:57

-So, Mole took me to see the League of Gents, yes. Was slightly disappointed at the amount of stuff that was based on old sketches, although they had put in lots of new stuff into each one. But that was the first half--the second half was a pantomime with the Royston Vasey folk and it cracked my shit up, yes. I love Papa Lazarou. And should have a better icon of him, really:P. Also was lame and got a Papa mug just because all the other crap "cost loads"[/Dean Tavalouris]. I really lusted after the DOLE SCUM t-shirt but it was way too expensive for this particular dole scum. How ironic. So, hm, another mug I've bought while here, maybe this is a sign of something... probably increased levels of tea intake.

-HIGNFY and QI. Ha! BTW, the RIGHT way to spell that Finnish palindrome is "saippuakauppias". And I'm sure there are longer ones out there, that can't be the world's longest one word palindrome... I'm sure Alivaltiosihteeri have come up with more:P. And yes, posh gay ferrets! Better than chav ferrets, at any rate. WHY ISN'T THERE MORE HIGNIFFY EACH NIGHT? Even Jack Dee was bearable, even though the man is a complete wanker. Probably because he shut up most of the time, yes.

-And omg, Torchwood. !!!11 Let's hope it will be good. Proper scary sci-fi, yay! JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!1 please, god, let Tufty co-star in it yes so they can FINALLY SHAG.

-And speaking of scary stuff, has anyone else been watching Afterlife? It's fucking creepy. I haven't been genuinely creeped out by anything on the telly in a long time, but this is really good horror, this. It's on ITV Saturdays and can be found at UKNova as well. It is CRACK.

-Mole has a copy of Paul Merton's History Of The Twentieth Century. Hee.

-Upon watching lots of Blackadder I've kind of come to realise why it's hard for me to see Snarky Bastard/Comedy fool pairings. Like Avon/Vila. Vila being Blackadder I level of Baldrick in being quite clever, that is. Perhaps I'm too accustomed to that tradition of vicious comedy, even if A'n'V have their heartwarming moments. Avon's attitude is certainly Blackadderish. Not that I like him being vicious to Vila. Thankfully there's fanfic where you can just have Vila without Avon;).

-Also, Blackadder is totally a crossover fandom. When I was lickle I thought Blackadder I was the same universe with Robin of Sherwood and only later realised why I associated the name "Edmund" with nasty irritating bastards and felt a shiver of disgust whenever I read it somewhere. And also, I seem to have mixed the Six Utter Bastards from The Black Seal up with the Four Horsemen off The Young Ones. Eh. You can tell I was quite little in the early Eighties, yes... and already a fangirl of British telly. Hm.

-Still no air dates for Distant Shores. GRAAAAAH. *FLAILS* If Tufty doesn't get to shag Jack, at least get him to shag Peter Davison. PLEASE. The Universe CAN NOT DENY THIS FROM ME.

doctor who, british, meta, league of gentlemen, telly, hignfy

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