And now, for some Photoshop quickies

Nov 21, 2016 05:54

I've had to do all kinds of depressing and physically and mentally exhausting Adult Shit this week, so of course I've disappeared into Photoshop exactly when I should've been doing those things. Because fuck everything. The rush necessitated that these were quick two-hour jobs, however, so they aren't as polished as my usual stuff, but since they're worksafe for once, I thought them worth crossposting. Click both for bigger.

Jaffar/Princess snugglage. There are all these really sexy, steamy shots of June snuggling up to Cary Grant where she's basically humping his face, but fuck the great chin of Bristol, *Jaffar* needed that kind of action from his Pwinzezz. So this happened. I deliberately picked a creepy, disgusting, dirty old man leer of Jaffar's to ruin it because... well. I can't imagine him not doing that half the time.

(Tumblr post here.) I might write him as this dark romantic prince all the time (which he is), but that doesn't change the fact that he's also a leering old pervert.

Also, Fadl.

(Tumblr post here.) He's spoiling for a fight, as usual (this is probably him getting ready to just remove a spider from the bathroom), but this medieval Arab armour looked so cool I had to dress him in it. And it was posed in such a swaggery way that it immediately made me think of Fadl, too. Sadly, only after I'd finished the pic did I realise it was a fucking mirror shot, so the inscriptions on his shield are the wrong way round (they were very stylised and I wasn't looking at the shield when I was making this, mostly just his face) and now I'll just look like a stupid white chick who doesn't know shit, won't I? :P Yes, I do know which way Arabic is written, but apparently the photographer didn't. And I can't really flip the pic (or the shield) without it looking really stupid, now. Sigh.

But yeah, anyway. Should get back to poking Roses 17 (!), as it involves all three of them again. Now if Jaffar could stop relating tales of his and Fadl's youth to Yassamin and they'd get to the hot sex-swappng unfing they came here for, that'd be great.

basil rathbone, of roses unfurling, photoshop, conrad veidt, thief of bagdad, fadl, june duprez, jaffar/princess

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