Ok, I am in deep. I still need 250 e or so (maybe more because of PayPal's huge rip-off fees) by the end of this month, and as it takes several days for PP donations to come through, I'd need these things quick. Also, I just learned from my doc that he can see me soonest at the end of August, which will mean that I might not end up getting the money the Social Insurance Institute owes me for the money they didn't pay me (due to a glitch on their part and not my fault--they didn't even send me a letter telling me they'd cut off the benefit and what I'd have to do to get it back)! So if I can only get the doctor's certificate by the end of August or early September, I will not get the 450+e the buggers owe me--or might not even be deemed suitable for any benefits, if he decides to write a shitty certificate for the SII. D:
So, yeah, fuck, it's NOT looking good. I would absolutely need that cash, and as PP is a ripoff, I have now got myself a Bitcoin wallet. They, too, have their fees and the price of Bitcoin fluctuates like hell, but at least it seems like a better choice than PP and the Bitcoin transfers can be completed in a matter of hours, instead of the days PP donations take to arrive on my bank account. I don't know much about Bitcoin, so I hope I won't screw it up--I know it has a dodgy reputation, as people buy drugs with it--but I already have sufficient prescription painkillers, whose costs (and my bills) I will be covering with the money you send me. So there's no point for me to buy pot or anything with the Bitcoins, just so you know--pot doesn't do shit for me. So yeah, all of your donations will go into my prescription meds, and bills.
So for those of you familiar with Bitcoin, here's my Bitcoin wallet address.
This is on an international site run by Finnish owners,
https://coinmotion.com/ and it's free to join (even though they do have transfer fees). They accept Sofort payments from EU countries from your bank account onto your Bitcoin wallet there; have a look at their FAQs. You can transfer Bitcoins pretty much instantly on there, apparently.
And for those of you who know me best, and Finnish donators: contact me on the comments of this post, or via email, and I will give you my real name and other bank account transfer details. This is the fastest, and cheapest option--a British friend just sent me some money today via Halifax, and it arrived today! I will also make a friendslocked post with those details after this one.
And last but not least, if you can't use either of these options, here's my PayPal donation button thingy again:
Thanks massively in advance to you all. Blessings. From the bottom of my heart.