Connie/Baz headcanons and chatpr0n

Feb 26, 2016 11:01

Just dropping this here because it's a bit long. ataslightangle and I were thinking of Connie/Baz again and it's weird because it's so likely that it actually happened IRL? So here 'tis, crossposted from Tumblr, but the chat bit is only here because it's more convenient.

It really is the weirdest thing to have RPS speculation in your head when it’s something that might have actually happened, when you know the two guys were both into the occasional mansex and were very close. Meaning @filmforfancy​ and I have been thinking about Connie/Baz again.

The main thing that twigs us is that according to Connie's bio, they were close enough to often visit each other during weekends for drinks and badfic (and their wives went off and hung out together as well, apparently being good friends). That anecdote says Baz was one of Connie’s best friends, and well, the badficcing would mean they had a warm rapport. But then there is no mention of Connie at all in Baz's bio, in any of his writings, memoirs. That's the weirdest thing. Was he so heartbroken by Connie’s early death, or did that early death mean that time of friendship became very brief in his memory? Or did they have a falling-out? Because if you have a close friend like that and then they’re wiped away like that, well. That usually suggests that there’s been a falling-out, that something really awful has happened. And Connie wouldn’t have been the type to piss anyone off because he always got along so well with everyone, and Ouida seemed to have really liked the Veidts, so what the hell?

Like, I know RPS is RPS and it’s a whole load of bunkum and wishful thinking. I know. I know. I’m not one of the crazy types who insists their faves are actually shagging or should be shagging to fulfill their shippy needs. Most people, actors included, are still more or less straight and that’s that. But when it’s these two guys--both stormily romantic but one of them sexually repressed and one of them very much not so and with a penchant for helping guys get over their gay/bi feelings, you’ve got to wonder. Did it suddenly get too friendly between them and Baz simply couldn’t deal? Connie was known to start groping guys when he was drunk, so did he grope Baz with disastrous consequences? Or did they, briefly, throw themselves into wild, passionate bonking if Baz was known to have had a weakness for guys from time to time? I mean, you couldn’t possibly be in better hands with someone as discreet and as friendly and as open-minded as Connie, either--and Baz had already had an affair with Marlene, who was very much the female equivalent in that sexually liberating and passionate way... you do have to wonder.

And now, for the chat material...

[23.2.2016 20:33:02] Snowgrouse: Oddly--and this is another thing I was thinking of today and wondered how you felt about it. Do you have those stars that you've heard bi rumours of but don't sort of count as properly bi?
[23.2.2016 20:33:19] Snowgrouse: Like, Baz being one example for me. And Errol...
[23.2.2016 20:33:34] Filmforfancy: Yeah I guess so... Gary is another
[23.2.2016 20:33:42] Snowgrouse: Cooper?
[23.2.2016 20:33:53] Filmforfancy: Mmhmm
[23.2.2016 20:34:12] Snowgrouse: See, oddly, I can imagine Gary dabbling a bit more, since he had some camp to him in interviews and stuff
[23.2.2016 20:34:29] Snowgrouse: he actually does ping my gaydar a bit more when he's not playing a character.
[23.2.2016 20:35:09] Filmforfancy: It's proper harsh but the only thing that he pings in me is my dumbdar
[23.2.2016 20:35:18] Snowgrouse: And the odd thing about Baz is that... well, again, he has that potential there. But he doesn't let it blossom. Like it ties into that general sexual repression of his. Like he is looking at something but doesn't dare fully go for it
[23.2.2016 20:35:20] Snowgrouse: ahahahahahaha
[23.2.2016 20:36:10] Snowgrouse: Yeah... you get a lot of these guys for whom it's the old "wouldn't turn down a blowjob" thing, rather than just a real proper hardcore orientation thing.
[23.2.2016 20:36:48] Snowgrouse: I could see guys being exceptions to Baz, as it were, and Connie being one of those few times where it got serious and he really got his heart broken and really got fucked emotionally and even had orientation issues and... oh god
[23.2.2016 20:37:09] Filmforfancy: Mmm, and there's often a misconception that being up for group sex automatically makes you bi etc.
[23.2.2016 20:37:30] Snowgrouse: Yeah, and Old Hollywood was so full of orgies.

[23.2.2016 20:37:40] Filmforfancy: You see, why is it that I find Connie/Baz as an actual emotionally involved affair perfectly believable?

[23.2.2016 20:40:18] Snowgrouse: but JFC, so you have been thinking of the same thing re: Baz and Connie? That Baz was mostly straight but had a repressed gay streak and that the only time it truly *could* have flourished was with Connie, at some heartbroken moment when they really fucked with tears in their eyes, emotional, beautiful--him truly deeply feeling for Connie. And then he couldn't deal with that side of himself and had to kill it, and kill his friendship with Connie :(
[23.2.2016 20:41:25] Filmforfancy: Yes! Because I do find it so odd that, basically, Connie might as well not exist so far as interviews and writing of Baz's
[23.2.2016 20:42:13] Filmforfancy: And he seems like exactly the type who'd be so repressed that he really would't have known how/been able to deal with that sort of confusion
[23.2.2016 20:42:50] Filmforfancy: And the most English of English ways is exactly to just stop all contact with someone - erase them and never speak of it again sort of thing.
[23.2.2016 20:43:25] Snowgrouse: Yeah.
[23.2.2016 20:43:48] Snowgrouse: And Connie was too much of a gentleman to let anything slip. If anything, I get this idea that he kept his lovers secret, was really honourable about it and discreet
[23.2.2016 20:43:59] Filmforfancy: Same!
[23.2.2016 20:44:27] Snowgrouse: that he really just was careful not to damage anyone's reputation. That he would've been the best of secret lovers to have because he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he ruined someone's life like that.
[23.2.2016 20:44:35] Filmforfancy: Well I just feel like he kept his private affairs private. Not into any of that cheap Hollywood gossip
[23.2.2016 20:44:58] Snowgrouse: So that people would have only known about Connie's bi bits when he was younger and wilder in Germany, or later in London and Hollywood only when he got drunk and gropey.
[23.2.2016 20:45:03] Filmforfancy: And will have understood his lovers
[23.2.2016 20:45:15] Snowgrouse: Absolutely, and would have, by then, known how repressed people could be
[23.2.2016 20:45:21] Filmforfancy: mmm
[23.2.2016 20:45:33] Snowgrouse: it's so odd because I do get the feeling that he was so remarkably okay with being what seems to have been smack in the middle of the Kinsey scale.
[23.2.2016 20:45:42] Snowgrouse: But just hid it in a discreet manner.
[23.2.2016 20:46:28] Snowgrouse: Youthful excesses and yadda yadda, and he I get the feeling he didn't feel all that great conscience-wise about having fucked up his first two marriages, I don't think--and he might have associated his gay side with the irresponsible partying side--but at heart, I really do get this feeling that he wasn't homophobic about himself.
[23.2.2016 20:46:48] Snowgrouse: That's the strangest fucking thing. That he really seemed to have been more okay with it than many openly gay people at the time would've been.
[23.2.2016 20:46:50] Filmforfancy: No, I don't think so.
[23.2.2016 20:46:59] Filmforfancy: Exactly
[23.2.2016 20:47:08] Snowgrouse: Him and Marlene had this fucking super bi gene or something.
[23.2.2016 20:47:15] Filmforfancy: I don't feel that he'd have really... fretted over it in any real way
[23.2.2016 20:47:24] Filmforfancy: True dat
[23.2.2016 20:47:37] Snowgrouse: and he seems to have been such a liberal person in the sense of "Well, what the hell"
[23.2.2016 20:47:47] Snowgrouse: "If that's your thing, go for it"
[23.2.2016 20:47:53] Filmforfancy: happy sigh
[23.2.2016 20:47:58] Snowgrouse: I knowwwww
[23.2.2016 20:48:00] Snowgrouse: *hugs him*
[23.2.2016 20:48:03] Filmforfancy: That's so fucking rare
[23.2.2016 20:48:03] Filmforfancy: EVEN TODAY
[23.2.2016 20:48:10] Snowgrouse: whereas Baz I can see being a 2 on the Kinsey scale at most, probably 1
[23.2.2016 20:48:13] Snowgrouse: I know. I KNOW.
[23.2.2016 20:48:35] Filmforfancy: Unless there's some secret club that we don't know about
[23.2.2016 20:48:47] Snowgrouse: Plenty of people go on about tolerance and being out and yadda yadda, but you won't find bigger neurotics than queers, always angsting about identity bullshit more than actually having fun
[23.2.2016 20:49:04] Snowgrouse: but bisexuals are better at it, I think. The fun and the "well, what the hell" part
[23.2.2016 20:49:12] Filmforfancy: For sure
[23.2.2016 20:49:21] Snowgrouse: If there's a secret club, Connie and Marlene must be presidents!
[23.2.2016 20:49:40] Filmforfancy: Ruling with their fists
[23.2.2016 20:49:41] Filmforfancy: whoops
[23.2.2016 20:49:48] Snowgrouse: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha
[23.2.2016 20:49:50] Snowgrouse: oh god
[23.2.2016 20:50:11] Filmforfancy: Oh yeah
[23.2.2016 20:50:16] Snowgrouse: But yeah, it's frightening how similar our Veidtbone headcanons are.
[23.2.2016 20:50:18] Snowgrouse: mm?
[23.2.2016 20:50:50] Filmforfancy: I was on that Connie site that Monica runs and saw another pic from that party/ball thing that Connie and Marlene went to. So it must have been in London.
[23.2.2016 20:51:00] Snowgrouse: oh?

[23.2.2016 20:53:57] Filmforfancy: Poor Connie being the prettiest thing there
[23.2.2016 20:54:32] Filmforfancy: I hope he and Marlene scurried off to Baz's after or something
[23.2.2016 20:54:46] Filmforfancy: Though I can't remember whether Baz was even in the UK then
[23.2.2016 20:55:09] Filmforfancy: Ooh wait yes! Yes he was.
[23.2.2016 20:55:12] Snowgrouse: Yeah, it's hard to keep track of him going back and forth like that.
[23.2.2016 20:55:23] Snowgrouse: Ok, so clearly Marlene will help Baz get the fuck over himself
[23.2.2016 20:55:31] Snowgrouse: gets him drunk enough and locks him and Connie in the same hotel room
[23.2.2016 20:55:34] Snowgrouse: magic happens :D
[23.2.2016 20:55:35] Filmforfancy: Aahahaha YES
[23.2.2016 20:55:54] Snowgrouse: "Mawlene. He vants me. I knov he vants me. I need your hilfe."
[23.2.2016 20:56:08] Snowgrouse: "He is so wepwezzed. I need zu undo zat wepwezzun"
[23.2.2016 20:56:28] Filmforfancy: Zhou schell heff it, Connielein
[23.2.2016 20:56:32] Snowgrouse: ahahahaha
[23.2.2016 20:56:40] Snowgrouse: Marlene ties Baz into bed and starts to strip
[23.2.2016 20:56:43] Snowgrouse: but then fucks off
[23.2.2016 20:56:45] Snowgrouse: Connie enters
[23.2.2016 20:56:49] Snowgrouse: sees the bow tied around Baz's genitals
[23.2.2016 20:56:56] Snowgrouse: "Vell. I guezz I zhall juzt haf zu help myzelf"
[23.2.2016 20:57:01] Filmforfancy: sfdgfskdgnbfkdgls
[23.2.2016 20:57:03] Filmforfancy: yes
[23.2.2016 20:57:03] Filmforfancy: YES
[23.2.2016 20:57:11] Snowgrouse: Idiots.
[23.2.2016 20:57:12] Snowgrouse: (heart)
[23.2.2016 20:57:18] Filmforfancy: Fuck that repression right out
[23.2.2016 20:57:28] Snowgrouse: God, but I had some beautiful vision of them the other day...
[23.2.2016 20:57:35] Filmforfancy: Oh?
[23.2.2016 20:57:41] Snowgrouse: haven't fapped to them all that much recently (but a bit of Fadl/Jaffar/Pwinzezz)
[23.2.2016 20:58:13] Snowgrouse: That's the thing, these stupid meds tire me out and mess with my memory so much I forget!
[23.2.2016 20:58:33] Snowgrouse: Oh my god
[23.2.2016 20:58:40] Snowgrouse: it was... very pornographic, I think
[23.2.2016 20:58:42] Snowgrouse: it's starting to come back
[23.2.2016 20:58:43] Snowgrouse: oh god
[23.2.2016 20:58:44] Filmforfancy: Ah, fap fantasies are like that sometimes anyway though

[23.2.2016 20:59:06] Snowgrouse: Yeah, I sometimes forget them right after a wank even if I've told myself to type them down on my phone after.
[23.2.2016 20:59:13] Snowgrouse: Sometimes I pause mid-wank to type the hottest stuff down, no lie
[23.2.2016 20:59:30] Filmforfancy: Dedication
[23.2.2016 20:59:35] Snowgrouse: To horn.
[23.2.2016 20:59:55] Snowgrouse: I think it was just Baz not having fucked a guy at all, either that or not having done it in years
[23.2.2016 21:00:30] Snowgrouse: considering how homosexual encounters would've been more common, but anal sex... not necessarily, and a lot of guys still had all those issues about it, and you know how guys are about giving up on something that's in any way difficult in bed :P
[23.2.2016 21:00:44] Snowgrouse: if it takes more than a few minutes to get in--fuckit, let's just suck instead
[23.2.2016 21:01:14] Snowgrouse: I have literally bedded guys who were so fucking awkward that when it came to the point where it takes a while to get the bum open, they've given up and we've done something else because they got too flustered
[23.2.2016 21:01:23] Snowgrouse: FUCKING ANAL
[23.2.2016 21:01:26] Snowgrouse: BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO NERVOUS
[23.2.2016 21:01:37] Filmforfancy: Really??
[23.2.2016 21:01:39] Filmforfancy: my god

[23.2.2016 21:02:43] Snowgrouse: so I can imagine that happening when queer guys first attempt anal.
[23.2.2016 21:03:18] Snowgrouse: especially if alcohol's softening the top guy's dick or the bottom guy hurts too much and doesn't know how the pain will pass eventually...
[23.2.2016 21:03:58] Filmforfancy: mmm
[23.2.2016 21:05:04] Snowgrouse: But anyway, Connie was lying there with his legs up
[23.2.2016 21:05:10] Snowgrouse: holding them up and asking Baz to just do it
[23.2.2016 21:05:17] Snowgrouse: they'd done sucks and handjobs before
[23.2.2016 21:05:22] Snowgrouse: just quick relief of tension, that kind of thing
[23.2.2016 21:05:27] Filmforfancy: mmhmm
[23.2.2016 21:05:30] Snowgrouse: but Connie was so horny and that would not have been enough
[23.2.2016 21:05:38] Snowgrouse: he really, really, really wanted to be fucked
[23.2.2016 21:05:47] Filmforfancy: Excellent...
[23.2.2016 21:05:51] Snowgrouse: and Baz was all flustered when Connie said "take me," like a woman would
[23.2.2016 21:05:58] Snowgrouse: to take Connie? Like a woman?
[23.2.2016 21:06:11] Snowgrouse: Oh God, he had all these things in his head that were to do with... earlier life experiences.
[23.2.2016 21:06:27] Snowgrouse: Maybe some older guy taking him like that when he was a boy. Public school. The trenches. You name it.
[23.2.2016 21:06:33] Filmforfancy: Aha
[23.2.2016 21:06:37] Snowgrouse: it's so fucking likely that that would've been his only experience, and so depressing...
[23.2.2016 21:06:47] Snowgrouse: (Not saying Claude when they were in the same regiment *slaps self*)
[23.2.2016 21:06:55] Filmforfancy: Ahahaha OMG
[23.2.2016 21:07:07] Snowgrouse: (that fucking sex maniac...)
[23.2.2016 21:07:53] Snowgrouse: But I don't know if he'd had a guy, had a woman up the arse, had been the one giving anyone anal sex, you see
[23.2.2016 21:08:03] Snowgrouse: so I distinctly remember him being all "oh God "at how tight it was.
[23.2.2016 21:08:16] Filmforfancy: Ooooh
[23.2.2016 21:08:16] Snowgrouse: that he'd forgotten about it, that he wasn't prepared for it, just so in awe of it
[23.2.2016 21:08:28] Snowgrouse: He was definitely all "holy shit" once he got inside
[23.2.2016 21:08:41] Snowgrouse: and you can imagine how Connie would be like when he was being fucked.
[23.2.2016 21:08:43] Snowgrouse: Like.
[23.2.2016 21:08:45] Snowgrouse: seriously. So passionate.
[23.2.2016 21:08:48] Filmforfancy: I CAN
[23.2.2016 21:08:53] Snowgrouse: How some women are so quiet and just lie there... or passive...
[23.2.2016 21:08:59] Filmforfancy: delicious beautiful fffnnngararag
[23.2.2016 21:09:00] Snowgrouse: Not Marlene, but a lot of women, presumably
[23.2.2016 21:09:28] Snowgrouse: Just pulling Baz close and kissing him on the mouth, devouring his mouth
[23.2.2016 21:09:34] Filmforfancy: YES
[23.2.2016 21:09:36] Snowgrouse: grabbing his hair and NOT letting him go
[23.2.2016 21:10:18] Snowgrouse: Connie's would be more open-mouthed, though.
[23.2.2016 21:10:33] Snowgrouse: Lots of fucking ridiculous blurging and wonky teefs, but he'd also smile like a dork, you know?
[23.2.2016 21:10:36] Snowgrouse: Really beautifully.
[23.2.2016 21:10:36] Filmforfancy: TONGUE
[23.2.2016 21:10:42] Filmforfancy: oh god
[23.2.2016 21:10:48] Filmforfancy: I want this
[23.2.2016 21:10:53] Snowgrouse: Ahahaha, I can actually imagine him really going at it with crazy tongue action right at the start
[23.2.2016 21:11:43] Snowgrouse: But there were more details, lemme think
[23.2.2016 21:11:51] Snowgrouse: Baz was just going crazy, basically
[23.2.2016 21:11:54] Filmforfancy: I do have a massive Veidtboner now
[23.2.2016 21:12:03] Snowgrouse: and I expect not a lot of women would ask for specific types of thrusts, either.
[23.2.2016 21:12:04] Snowgrouse: But.
[23.2.2016 21:12:08] Snowgrouse: Connie fucking does.
[23.2.2016 21:12:21] Filmforfancy: He would, the glorious bastard
[23.2.2016 21:12:26] Snowgrouse: "Long," *tgläh blurg* "deep, slow, slow down... keep izz long... like zat..."
[23.2.2016 21:12:48] Snowgrouse: (All this stylish and hot and intense porn I've written of him for all these years, and now the fucking blurgs have invaded it :( )
[23.2.2016 21:13:04] Filmforfancy: It had to happen some time
[23.2.2016 21:13:29] Snowgrouse: so if Connie does the blurgs, I guess Baz also does The Bazbrow (TM)
[23.2.2016 21:13:37] Filmforfancy: And I hate it because I even find the blurghs perversely sexy
[23.2.2016 21:13:43] Snowgrouse: ahahahaha
[23.2.2016 21:13:52] Snowgrouse: that's why I love you.
[23.2.2016 21:13:54] Filmforfancy: Oh yeah, Bazbrow
[23.2.2016 21:14:01] Snowgrouse: there's something fucking disgustingly hot about even his blurgs.
[23.2.2016 21:14:03] Snowgrouse: Even those teeth.
[23.2.2016 21:14:05] Snowgrouse: WHY?!?
[23.2.2016 21:14:09] Filmforfancy: I KNNOWWWWWWWW
[23.2.2016 21:14:14] Filmforfancy: GOD IT MAKES ME FUCKING ANGRY
[23.2.2016 21:14:46] Filmforfancy: We should do a tally of his worst most disgusting blurghs one day
[23.2.2016 21:14:48] Snowgrouse: aaahahahaha
[23.2.2016 21:14:50] Snowgrouse: oh my god
[23.2.2016 21:14:55] Snowgrouse: Well, I already did that tongue gifset.
[23.2.2016 21:15:04] Filmforfancy: Half of them would be from Rome Express
[23.2.2016 21:15:11] Snowgrouse: Zurta is responsible for a LOT. Generally early Thirties WhoreConnie is the fucking vooorst
[23.2.2016 21:15:13] Snowgrouse: yep.

[23.2.2016 21:28:51] Snowgrouse: Where was I?
[23.2.2016 21:28:53] Snowgrouse: Connie blurging?
[23.2.2016 21:29:10] Filmforfancy: Blurging and Bazbrowing
[23.2.2016 21:29:24] Snowgrouse: but oh... fuck
[23.2.2016 21:29:30] Snowgrouse: I was just basically dwelling on Connie
[23.2.2016 21:29:42] Snowgrouse: How that experience must have been like, you know?
[23.2.2016 21:29:43] Snowgrouse: Fucking him.
[23.2.2016 21:29:48] Snowgrouse: That ease with which he'd go into it, too
[23.2.2016 21:29:49] Filmforfancy: mmmmmmm
[23.2.2016 21:29:53] Snowgrouse: like it was the most natural thing for him in the world?
[23.2.2016 21:30:05] Snowgrouse: And then pretty much everyone, but especially Baz, being so super-fucking reserved
[23.2.2016 21:30:07] Filmforfancy: Yessss
[23.2.2016 21:30:12] Snowgrouse: but he's all "komm onn, it'll be lovely"
[23.2.2016 21:30:21] Snowgrouse: It's actually heartbreaking to think of that, you know?
[23.2.2016 21:30:24] Filmforfancy: Effortless and marvellous
[23.2.2016 21:30:33] Filmforfancy: Absolutely omg
[23.2.2016 21:30:41] Filmforfancy: it kind of melts me
[23.2.2016 21:30:50] Snowgrouse: that he is just so... at ease, so sweet and lovely about it, like you hear him being about everything and everyone. Being such an easy and accommodating and lovely person.
[23.2.2016 21:30:51] Snowgrouse: "KIND OF"?!?
[23.2.2016 21:31:13] Snowgrouse: I imagine that his lovers would be in awe.
[23.2.2016 21:31:33] Snowgrouse: Women in awe at his consideration--I imagine him asking what they like, interacting with them like they're people instead of just pussies
[23.2.2016 21:31:35] Filmforfancy: It's awful, 'cause I'd probably end up sobbing like a lunatic if he ever fucked me
[23.2.2016 21:31:44] Snowgrouse: with him being so romantic and all D:
[23.2.2016 21:31:48] Snowgrouse: Yes. Same.
[23.2.2016 21:33:47] Snowgrouse: and it's not as easy to discuss some of those things in fic, like that way he breaks, that ease he has.
[23.2.2016 21:34:09] Snowgrouse: Especially if you wrote Veidtbone RPS, because Baz wouldn't be emotionally as talented in describing all of it, I don't think... not as much as you or I would be
[23.2.2016 21:34:29] Snowgrouse: so he'd feel some of it just instinctively, not as analytically as we're doing here, about that easiness and everything.
[23.2.2016 21:34:29] Filmforfancy: Mmm, I don't reckon so.
[23.2.2016 21:34:51] Snowgrouse: I bet a part of what really breaks his heart about Connie is also that Connie is *so* sincere and understanding about it all, too.
[23.2.2016 21:35:12] Filmforfancy: And shows him genuine care and concern, yep.
[23.2.2016 21:35:39] Snowgrouse: That he really goes for it. That he really means it. That... well, I often imagine that all that casual bi humping the film stars did back then was actually because casual sex with men would have been so uncomplicated, you know? Just the physical relief, no need for seduction or romance or rings or any of that stuff you get with women. Especially as back then, good girls didn't fuck outside of marriage.
[23.2.2016 21:35:48] Snowgrouse: and I know it's still that for a lot of bi guys, dammit
[23.2.2016 21:36:11] Snowgrouse: But that Connie just treats all loves the same
[23.2.2016 21:36:17] Snowgrouse: and I'm making myself cry even just having said that D:
[23.2.2016 21:37:23] Snowgrouse: I... I just get the feeling that he'd really throw himself into it romantically, even if he was being discreet. That he'd just be so absolutely lovely and caring.
[23.2.2016 21:38:10] Filmforfancy: I do feel that he would have put his all into every romance, really given himself fully to each and every lover.
[23.2.2016 21:38:25] Filmforfancy: In the way they wanted him
[23.2.2016 21:38:33] Snowgrouse: Oh my God D:
[23.2.2016 21:38:44] Snowgrouse: yeah. And that's exactly what's too much for Baz to bear.
[23.2.2016 21:38:53] Snowgrouse: Because if Connie hits *his* romantic streak, he knows he will be a dead man.
[23.2.2016 21:39:01] Snowgrouse: That he'd want to shout it from the rooftops.
[23.2.2016 21:39:06] Snowgrouse: Or do something else stupid and give it away.
[23.2.2016 21:39:08] Snowgrouse: oh, the agony!
[23.2.2016 21:39:42] Snowgrouse: also, it really does *not* help that I have this as my desktop, because I am imagining him doing that face with everyone he's about to kiss with genuine care.
[23.2.2016 21:39:55] Filmforfancy: meeeeeeep
[23.2.2016 21:40:06] Snowgrouse: Indeed.
[23.2.2016 21:40:07] Filmforfancy: His eyes
[23.2.2016 21:40:10] Snowgrouse: But oh yes, the sexing...
[23.2.2016 21:40:10] Filmforfancy: ;(
[23.2.2016 21:40:14] Snowgrouse: I KNOW
[23.2.2016 21:40:27] Snowgrouse: *Jaffar mops your tears with his turban tails*
[23.2.2016 21:40:31] Filmforfancy: But sorry, sexing?
[23.2.2016 21:40:33] Snowgrouse: SEXING
[23.2.2016 21:40:45] Snowgrouse: I would just imagine him to be the best lover ever, even when he's underneath
[23.2.2016 21:40:52] Snowgrouse: caressing Baz's back, open-mouthed kisses
[23.2.2016 21:41:00] Snowgrouse: and then a wild cackle and a smack of his arse and a grab of the buttocks!
[23.2.2016 21:41:11] Snowgrouse: "That's right," he'd purr into his mouth, moaning
[23.2.2016 21:41:18] Filmforfancy: oh god
[23.2.2016 21:41:20] Snowgrouse: that incredibly motile face of his
[23.2.2016 21:41:26] Snowgrouse: showing every ripple of pleasure that goes through him
[23.2.2016 21:41:30] Snowgrouse: Baz barely able to even look at it
[23.2.2016 21:41:35] Snowgrouse: how much Connie is enjoying it
[23.2.2016 21:41:39] Filmforfancy: I feel you Baz, I FEEL YOU
[23.2.2016 21:41:55] Snowgrouse: and it's a marvel, because he's only ever felt uncomfortable when men have done this to him, the two or three times it's happened
[23.2.2016 21:42:03] Snowgrouse: but Connie just... takes it all in, and he is so *open,* too
[23.2.2016 21:42:09] Snowgrouse: so warm and open on the inside, so hot
[23.2.2016 21:42:20] Snowgrouse: and that silkiness of the arse in comparison to the vagina, so amazing, too
[23.2.2016 21:42:24] Filmforfancy: oh god oh god yessyesyeyes
[23.2.2016 21:42:31] Snowgrouse: so different from a woman, yet he's like the most responsive of women
[23.2.2016 21:42:33] Snowgrouse: love-drunk eyes!
[23.2.2016 21:42:35] Filmforfancy: SILKINESS *DROOLS RABIDLY*
[23.2.2016 21:42:51] Snowgrouse: I do so love that silk... *sigh*
[23.2.2016 21:42:58] Filmforfancy: Nothing like it
[23.2.2016 21:43:02] Snowgrouse: Absolutely!
[23.2.2016 21:43:19] Snowgrouse: And Baz is embarrassed because it's all so overwhelming, and soon he's going to be undone
[23.2.2016 21:43:22] Snowgrouse: he's not used to this at all
[23.2.2016 21:43:35] Snowgrouse: He's just flustered and "Oh, I'm... I'm going to come..."
[23.2.2016 21:43:42] Snowgrouse: and Connie just hasn't even been stroking himself
[23.2.2016 21:43:48] Snowgrouse: he's just been enjoying the ride, as it were
[23.2.2016 21:43:52] Snowgrouse: and he just SMIRKS up at him
[23.2.2016 21:44:00] Snowgrouse: raising his eyebrow
[23.2.2016 21:44:11] Snowgrouse: saying "if you come before I do, I'm going to fuck you."
[23.2.2016 21:44:20] Filmforfancy: OHOOOO
[23.2.2016 21:44:21] Snowgrouse: Just as a matter-of-fact thing
[23.2.2016 21:44:24] Snowgrouse: throwing that gauntlet out there
[23.2.2016 21:44:28] Snowgrouse: the hottest fucking THING
[23.2.2016 21:44:31] Snowgrouse: I think that I actually came at that
[23.2.2016 21:44:36] Snowgrouse: because Baz was NOT expecting it
[23.2.2016 21:44:43] Filmforfancy: I bet he fucking wasn't
[23.2.2016 21:44:44] Snowgrouse: that Connie would say it, with such a wicked grin
[23.2.2016 21:44:52] Snowgrouse: with Baz's cock balls-deep inside his whorearse
[23.2.2016 21:44:56] Snowgrouse: and that promise in his voice
[23.2.2016 21:45:02] Snowgrouse: THAT EROTIC FUCKING PROMISE IN CONNIE'S VOICE
[23.2.2016 21:45:07] Snowgrouse: LIKE NO OTHER HUMAN BEING EVER
[23.2.2016 21:45:13] Snowgrouse: It was *that* fucking voice
[23.2.2016 21:45:14] Filmforfancy: I CAN FUCKING HEAR IT NOW
[23.2.2016 21:45:18] Snowgrouse: I KNOW
[23.2.2016 21:45:19] Snowgrouse: playful
[23.2.2016 21:45:24] Snowgrouse: "I'm going to *fuck* you"
[23.2.2016 21:45:27] Snowgrouse: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[23.2.2016 21:45:32] Snowgrouse: and of course, Baz comes at that
[23.2.2016 21:45:36] Snowgrouse: CONNIE CACKLING WILDLY
[23.2.2016 21:45:42] Filmforfancy: nnnnngjdghndffadda
[23.2.2016 21:45:44] Snowgrouse: "So that's what you want?"
[23.2.2016 21:45:55] Snowgrouse: and Baz just swearing and spluttering as he slumps on top of Connie
[23.2.2016 21:45:56] Snowgrouse: gasping
[23.2.2016 21:46:12] Snowgrouse: But Connie is quicker.
[23.2.2016 21:46:20] Snowgrouse: With a quick kiss, he just slips out from underneath Baz.
[23.2.2016 21:46:24] Snowgrouse: And then he's on top of him.
[23.2.2016 21:46:41] Snowgrouse: And he's slicked his cock up in seconds and he's pressing it against Baz's arse.
[23.2.2016 21:46:46] Filmforfancy: YES
[23.2.2016 21:46:52] Snowgrouse: Baz all soft from orgasm, so he is not as tense
[23.2.2016 21:47:01] Snowgrouse: and he stiffens with an AGH as Connie starts to push in
[23.2.2016 21:47:03] Snowgrouse: but oh God
[23.2.2016 21:47:09] Snowgrouse: Connie's lips upon the nape of his neck
[23.2.2016 21:47:11] Snowgrouse: "Shh."
[23.2.2016 21:47:12] Filmforfancy: Is he face down? Or up?
[23.2.2016 21:47:14] Snowgrouse: face down
[23.2.2016 21:47:18] Filmforfancy: Aaaaaaaaaaaah
[23.2.2016 21:47:20] Snowgrouse: yes
[23.2.2016 21:47:23] Snowgrouse: clutching the sheets
[23.2.2016 21:47:28] Snowgrouse: sweat beading on his moustache
[23.2.2016 21:47:36] Snowgrouse: that wonderful thick hair flying all over
[23.2.2016 21:47:37] Filmforfancy: oh GOD
[23.2.2016 21:47:42] Snowgrouse: those athletic thighs, buttocks, back
[23.2.2016 21:47:47] Filmforfancy: ffnnnnnnngdgfdgfg
[23.2.2016 21:48:02] Filmforfancy: I can see Connie's gorgeous hands on him
[23.2.2016 21:48:33] Snowgrouse:
[23.2.2016 21:48:39] Snowgrouse: I repeat, this bastard's thighs
[23.2.2016 21:48:42] Snowgrouse: and hair all over the place
[23.2.2016 21:48:55] Filmforfancy: x___________x
[23.2.2016 21:48:57] Snowgrouse: and a certain someone who moves this slowly, but *also* this *inexorably*
[23.2.2016 21:49:15] Snowgrouse: Just going in whether you like it or not
[23.2.2016 21:49:18] Snowgrouse: and he'll make you like it
[23.2.2016 21:49:24] Filmforfancy: unf
[23.2.2016 21:49:40] Snowgrouse: And Baz is just terrified
[23.2.2016 21:49:53] Snowgrouse: And of course, Connie knows all about that, too.
[23.2.2016 21:49:57] Snowgrouse: and the bed shifts.
[23.2.2016 21:50:03] Snowgrouse: And there's a ticklish feeling between Baz's legs.
[23.2.2016 21:50:09] Snowgrouse: Connie lifting his hips up
[23.2.2016 21:50:13] Filmforfancy: ooooh
[23.2.2016 21:50:15] Snowgrouse: off the bed just a little bit, awkwardly
[23.2.2016 21:50:18] Snowgrouse: Baz's thighs tensing
[23.2.2016 21:50:27] Snowgrouse: and there is a slick, slick wet hand on his cock
[23.2.2016 21:50:29] Snowgrouse: rolling it
[23.2.2016 21:50:30] Snowgrouse: exquisitely
[23.2.2016 21:50:36] Snowgrouse: and Connie's tongue is buried in his arse.
[23.2.2016 21:50:37] Filmforfancy: MMMMHHHHPPHSFD
[23.2.2016 21:50:39] Snowgrouse: FUCK EVERYTHING
[23.2.2016 21:50:40] Filmforfancy: YES
[23.2.2016 21:50:40] Filmforfancy: YES
[23.2.2016 21:50:45] Snowgrouse: the WAIL he lets out into the pillows
[23.2.2016 21:50:51] Snowgrouse: the absolute hopeless fucking sob
[23.2.2016 21:50:54] Filmforfancy: AAAAAAAAAH
[23.2.2016 21:50:55] Snowgrouse: at how dirty it is
[23.2.2016 21:51:06] Snowgrouse: I don't even know, but for some reason, I imagine he's never been rimmed. Not even by Marlene.
[23.2.2016 21:51:20] Snowgrouse: I don't know WHY I always have this FUCKING headcanon that Connie's the first to ever give him a rimjob.
[23.2.2016 21:51:22] Snowgrouse: But it'd work.
[23.2.2016 21:51:24] Filmforfancy: Rim virginity ticks off for Connie
[23.2.2016 21:51:37] Snowgrouse: and oh fuck, but his cock hardening in Connie's hand
[23.2.2016 21:51:45] Filmforfancy: mmmmm
[23.2.2016 21:51:51] Filmforfancy: pre-come?
[23.2.2016 21:51:53] Snowgrouse: God, have you ever seen videos of guys with prostate stimulators, and the way they drip?
[23.2.2016 21:52:06] Filmforfancy: HAVE I EVER
[23.2.2016 21:52:09] Snowgrouse: THERE YOU GO
[23.2.2016 21:52:19] Snowgrouse: I was thinking of Jaffar getting that from Sarosh in the new sexbot fic
[23.2.2016 21:52:25] Snowgrouse: just being fingered until his cock is *dribbling*
[23.2.2016 21:52:29] Snowgrouse: and they can use just that for lube
[23.2.2016 21:52:32] Filmforfancy: oh my goodddddd
[23.2.2016 21:52:38] Filmforfancy: yes please
[23.2.2016 21:52:54] Snowgrouse: and I also fapped to Torsten sitting in an armchair--leather--with his legs spread over the armrests, fucking himself with one. With one of those that you just move with your inner muscles, clenching
[23.2.2016 21:53:04] Snowgrouse: and cock dribbling and leaking all over the belly, swaying, and him moaning like a whore
[23.2.2016 21:53:12] Snowgrouse: and Laura sucking and licking all of it up when he finally lets her
[23.2.2016 21:53:17] Snowgrouse: (which is after a long long while of torture)
[23.2.2016 21:53:24] Snowgrouse: (and then he can fuck her arse with just that for lube)
[23.2.2016 21:53:26] Filmforfancy: fucking fantastic
[23.2.2016 21:53:34] Snowgrouse: (white stockings and corset happened, too)
[23.2.2016 21:53:39] Snowgrouse: but absolutely, precome Baz
[23.2.2016 21:53:57] Snowgrouse: and once Connie's got him dizzy from that pleasure, it's easier for him to slide two slick fingers in.
[23.2.2016 21:54:03] Snowgrouse: Now unhesitant, just sliding straiiiight in
[23.2.2016 21:54:09] Snowgrouse: and Baz is all HNNFGmmmmNGBHPTH
[23.2.2016 21:54:16] Snowgrouse: and Connie cackling
[23.2.2016 21:54:22] Filmforfancy: x__________X
[23.2.2016 21:54:23] Snowgrouse: and then he follows that up with his cock, equally easily.
[23.2.2016 21:54:31] Snowgrouse: And it's so overwhelming Baz blacks out for a moment.
[23.2.2016 21:54:38] Snowgrouse: Hurts but also feels so fucking good.
[23.2.2016 21:54:47] Filmforfancy: Jesus
[23.2.2016 21:54:56] Snowgrouse: And more fucking cackling and blerging in his ear
[23.2.2016 21:55:06] Snowgrouse: oh my God, now I remember...
[23.2.2016 21:55:15] Snowgrouse: Connie holding his hips up just a bit, letting go of his cock, which is hard again
[23.2.2016 21:55:21] Snowgrouse: fucking him so hard his cock *slaps* against his belly
[23.2.2016 21:55:30] Filmforfancy: Amazing
[23.2.2016 21:55:31] Snowgrouse: Baz just holding on to the pillows for dear life and biting them
[23.2.2016 21:55:46] Snowgrouse: And Connie can hear how surprised he is, too.
[23.2.2016 21:55:51] Snowgrouse: "Never done this before?"
[23.2.2016 21:56:06] Snowgrouse: "Never felt this good," Baz moans feebly.
[23.2.2016 21:56:16] Snowgrouse: "Mm-hmm? Ever come like this?"
[23.2.2016 21:56:18] Filmforfancy: eeeeeeeeee
[23.2.2016 21:56:23] Snowgrouse: and Baz doesn't even know what he's feeling.
[23.2.2016 21:56:32] Snowgrouse: "Internal orgasms?" Connie asks, conversationally
[23.2.2016 21:56:42] Snowgrouse: and Baz is so FnghfhDddff that he doesn't literally know if he's coming or not
[23.2.2016 21:56:51] Snowgrouse: it feels so good and he doesn't know if he's coming or pissing or what
[23.2.2016 21:57:03] Snowgrouse: he's so full from Connie and he's pressing into his prostate, bladder, stomach, everywhere
[23.2.2016 21:57:12] Snowgrouse: cock just fucking hanging heavy, balls so high up
[23.2.2016 21:57:29] Filmforfancy: CHRIST
[23.2.2016 21:57:36] Snowgrouse: and when he can't make a coherent answer, Connie wraps his hand around his cock, LAUGHING at how wet he is
[23.2.2016 21:58:09] Snowgrouse: and then Connie gives him his patented hip-roll. Now, imagine the hipslink, right? The DEPTH of that hipslink? It's got to be like fucking 15 cm
[23.2.2016 21:58:22] Snowgrouse: and from that, we can deduce that his hip rolls will be longer and deeper than anyone else's
[23.2.2016 21:58:34] Snowgrouse: that his cock really does a fucking *long* thrust and circle inside of you
[23.2.2016 21:58:35] Snowgrouse: JESUS
[23.2.2016 21:58:45] Snowgrouse: how did I forget about that detail until now...
[23.2.2016 21:59:26] Filmforfancy: Oh my fucking goD DID YOU HAVE TO
[23.2.2016 21:59:31] Filmforfancy: WITH THE HIP SLINK DETAIL
[23.2.2016 21:59:34] Snowgrouse: I know.
[23.2.2016 21:59:38] Snowgrouse: I'd forgotten about it until now.
[23.2.2016 21:59:44] Snowgrouse: Now we won't be able to think of anything else.
[23.2.2016 22:00:00] Filmforfancy: dry sobbing
[23.2.2016 22:00:14] Filmforfancy: wet -pussy- sobbing
[23.2.2016 22:00:20] Snowgrouse: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha
[23.2.2016 22:00:22] Snowgrouse: ILU
[23.2.2016 22:00:26] Snowgrouse: *mops*
[23.2.2016 22:00:42] Snowgrouse: But of course, the hilarious thing about all this?
[23.2.2016 22:00:46] Snowgrouse: Was that Baz came.
[23.2.2016 22:00:54] Snowgrouse: Explosively.
[23.2.2016 22:00:58] Snowgrouse: FUcking screaming his head off.
[23.2.2016 22:01:01] Filmforfancy: YESSSSS
[23.2.2016 22:01:04] Snowgrouse: and Connie was just "FFS"
[23.2.2016 22:01:07] Snowgrouse: laughing and proud
[23.2.2016 22:01:13] Filmforfancy: aahahaha
[23.2.2016 22:01:15] Snowgrouse: "Well. In that case..."
[23.2.2016 22:01:20] Snowgrouse: and he still hadn't been able to come
[23.2.2016 22:01:27] Snowgrouse: and he threw Baz down on his back
[23.2.2016 22:01:33] Snowgrouse: made a ring of his fingers around the root of Baz's cock
[23.2.2016 22:01:37] Snowgrouse: squeezing him so fucking hard
[23.2.2016 22:01:42] Filmforfancy: oh
[23.2.2016 22:01:43] Snowgrouse: so that the blood wouldn't be able to leave his penis
[23.2.2016 22:01:50] Snowgrouse: making a fucking cockring of those *beautiful* hands
[23.2.2016 22:01:52] Snowgrouse: and *sucking* him
[23.2.2016 22:01:55] Snowgrouse: Baz sobbing again
[23.2.2016 22:01:59] Filmforfancy: je-sus
[23.2.2016 22:01:59] Snowgrouse: all that mess on his cock...
[23.2.2016 22:02:07] Snowgrouse: sperm, Connie's arse, precome
[23.2.2016 22:02:13] Snowgrouse: Connie just rolling his head beautifully
[23.2.2016 22:02:14] Filmforfancy: delicious
[23.2.2016 22:02:15] Snowgrouse: truly enjoying it
[23.2.2016 22:02:24] Snowgrouse: long rolls of his mouth and head and tongue
[23.2.2016 22:02:29] Snowgrouse: slurping at him, truly sucking all that taste off him
[23.2.2016 22:02:44] Snowgrouse: and then he just hopped on Baz's cock.

[23.2.2016 22:03:31] Snowgrouse: But Connie finally sat on his cock and rode him
[23.2.2016 22:03:39] Snowgrouse: now imagine the hip rolls with THAT
[23.2.2016 22:03:42] Filmforfancy: good boy
[23.2.2016 22:03:54] Snowgrouse: and Baz just being all blhsdlfkhdslkh as Connie fucking *covered* his belly and chest in come
[23.2.2016 22:04:02] Snowgrouse: just spraying all over from how long he'd had to hold it in
[23.2.2016 22:04:06] Snowgrouse: and Baz's arse so sore
[23.2.2016 22:04:10] Filmforfancy: oh god
[23.2.2016 22:04:14] Snowgrouse: feeling where Connie'd fucked him, with his every thrust down
[23.2.2016 22:04:22] Snowgrouse: absolutely and completely and utterly ravished.
[23.2.2016 22:04:25] Filmforfancy: AAAAAAAAH
[23.2.2016 22:04:36] Snowgrouse: licking Conniecome from his moustache, sputtering as Connie hits his face
[23.2.2016 22:04:47] Snowgrouse: And Connie just *purrs* "Your fault."
[23.2.2016 22:05:00] Filmforfancy: x___________________________________x
[23.2.2016 22:05:01] Snowgrouse: "You vere ze one vho made me vait."
[23.2.2016 22:05:45] Filmforfancy: Connie had better kiss his face clean
[23.2.2016 22:05:58] Snowgrouse: Oh my god
[23.2.2016 22:06:00] Snowgrouse: no.
[23.2.2016 22:06:03] Snowgrouse: He *licks* it clean
[23.2.2016 22:06:06] Snowgrouse: you know he will
[23.2.2016 22:06:10] Filmforfancy: yessssssssss
[23.2.2016 22:06:12] Snowgrouse: Baz SPUTTERING again in distaste
[23.2.2016 22:06:16] Snowgrouse: while Connie just goes for it
[23.2.2016 22:06:29] Snowgrouse: also, imagine how ridiculous he could look when sitting on top of you?
[23.2.2016 22:06:29] Snowgrouse:
[23.2.2016 22:06:40] Snowgrouse: I mean, that's the angle you'd get...
[23.2.2016 22:06:43] Filmforfancy: OMFG (heart)
[23.2.2016 22:06:52] Snowgrouse: crazily blurging cat with teefs and bright blue eyes
[23.2.2016 22:06:54] Filmforfancy: a thousand fucking (heart)
[23.2.2016 22:06:55] Snowgrouse: and those perfect nostrils
[23.2.2016 22:07:07] Filmforfancy: A MILLION INFINITY (heart)
[23.2.2016 22:07:16] Snowgrouse: I just have zero doubt that he'd be fucking hammy in bed as well.
[23.2.2016 22:07:22] Snowgrouse: Just no doubt whatsoever.
[23.2.2016 22:07:28] Filmforfancy: Yep
[23.2.2016 22:07:29] Filmforfancy: Totally
[23.2.2016 22:07:33] Snowgrouse: tender and lovely and wonderful and wicked and evil and pervy. But also a giant fucking ham.
[23.2.2016 22:07:39] Snowgrouse: Loved you calling him a streak of bacon instead. (heart)
[23.2.2016 22:07:48] Filmforfancy: Ahahaha I was just about to say :P
[23.2.2016 22:08:16] Filmforfancy: sigh
[23.2.2016 22:08:18] Filmforfancy: I love him
[23.2.2016 22:08:22] Filmforfancy: AND THAT WAS HOT
[23.2.2016 22:08:24] Snowgrouse: I love him more.
[23.2.2016 22:08:42] Filmforfancy: Baz is a fucking lucky bitch
[23.2.2016 22:08:45] Snowgrouse: (Just joking. We are a fucking love-gestalt)

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