Oh, for fuck's sakes

Jul 12, 2015 08:48

Yes, just what I needed just before bed: another puppydog type who spams and overshares and makes me feel really uncomfortable and then I have to feel like an utter hypersensitive diva and an arsehole when I have to tell them to back off. This is really the sort of fan interaction version of being molested and then people telling you you just don't have a sense of humour if it hurts when someone tries to stick their hand down your pants. There's no way you can emerge from a scenario like this looking like a decent human being because you're the arsehole who kicked a puppy. And you don't have the right to your personal boundaries, of course, if someone's just trying to be nice. Yes. Even if it hurts.

Please kill me and/or everyone like this/like me, now. Or just... throw me a normal interaction so I can feel like a human being again. Jesus fucking Christ, but I have had THREE OF THESE TYPES IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS (one of them even fucking sending me unsolicited poetry that made no sense at ALL) and I feel like I'm being raped mentally and I am not sorry for that metaphor because it's so intrusive and hurtful and STOP PUSHING INTO ME. Gah.

Just, fuck, no. I feel all kinds of hypocritical and I also am getting a good old misogyny PTSD cascade going on because I know this whole 'you shouldn't complain about someone being friendly' thing is rape culture at its best--you shouldn't say no or say something makes you uncomfortable and should always consider the other person's feelings before your own and ardlkghldskhfisu lclkj

*head explodes*

I meant what I said in the tags. I want a fucking butler to sort through every email/message/comment I get so he can weed out all the ones that hurt. And then he can be all polite at those people and let them down gently because no matter how kind I'm trying to be, I'll always sound/feel like an arsehole.

GOD, but I just want to go and spend time with boring mundanes and normals and their idiocy because at least I don't have to try and swat them off with a newspaper or be made to feel like I owe them something.

I really didn't want this before sleep and I've just reached breaking point with this shit. Too much and from too many directions, from fandom and from spiritual places and from RL and WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? Is the summer making everyone extra Aspie-y or something?


argh, fandom fail

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