FIC: The Fall of Angels (Torsten Barring/Laura Erika Barring, NC-17), part 13/15

Jul 06, 2015 16:51

Title: The Fall of Angels (part 13/15, completed fic)
Author: snowgrouse
Fandom: A Woman's Face (1941), original fiction
Pairing: Torsten Barring/Laura Erika Barring, Torsten/Laura/OCs
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Erotica, darkfic, horror
Warnings: Incest, underage, hard BDSM, noncon, watersports, fisting, scat, abuse, graphic violence (see Ao3 for full list of tags)
Length: ~97 000 words
Summary: Once Torsten and Laura know their song is coming to an end, their lust and their rage are unstoppable. Together, they set out to avenge themselves against a society that had sought to suffocate their desires--and to enjoy each last one of the world's pleasures to the fullest.
A/N: The third and final part of Devilry. Torsten and Laura go down in flames. Darker, kinkier and more violent than the previous two parts combined; please heed the warnings.

(Torsten purred, glad that he was finally the centre of attention. He crossed his hands behind his head and leaned back against the pillows. "Go on, then," he said with a twinkle in his eyes; "have your wicked way with me."

Randy laid his hand on Torsten's belly, just above his cock. "Keep your hands where they are," he said, gently, looking into Torsten's eyes, and even that soft, lazy murmur of a command was so powerful Torsten stilled a little.

Randy continued to stroke Torsten's chest, his belly, his flanks; he caressed Torsten's body all over apart from his genitals, now so purple in their prison of leather that I wondered if he wasn't causing himself damage. But I didn't dare move: I only lay silent beside Torsten, anchoring him with the softness and the weight of my body against his. I sensed that he needed me, needed to rest against me in order to take Randy's gift without breaking; for this touch, this tender touch of another man's took him completely by surprise.

Randy knew exactly what he was doing, using soft, gentle touches to ease Torsten back into sex between men. He caressed Torsten the way a man caresses a woman, with the confidence of a man dominant, the man who with his very touch reassures a woman that there is no turning back, now; that the conquest had been made and that all fear should now flee in shame, that this flesh underneath him was now free to yield and unfold in pleasure.

Upwards towards pleasure, he called Torsten's body, pleasure with each one of his touches, with the surety of the bridegroom; yet, at the same time, never forgetting the body underneath him was male, cupping each sinuous muscle, measuring each hard curve of bone and flesh with his touch. I remembered what Torsten had told me about affection between boys having been seen as far greater a sin than a quick fumble to relieve tension: this, this soft, mesmerising pattern Randy wove with his touch across Torsten's body, this blanket of tenderness he now enwrapped him in was far more perverse than just a simple suck or a fuck.

fic, devilry, the fall of angels, a woman's face, conrad veidt, torsten/laura

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