And now, ladies and gentlebeings, the porn trailer for Devilry 3 I have been threatening you with. Hope you don't have autoplay on, as it's definitely NSFW. Warnings for hardcore BDSM (vintage and modern, just like the story itself), daddy kink and Conrad Veidt's MGM sex panther voice.
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And just, eeee! Thanks for coming in and giving me a chance to blather again :3 I honestly could talk about this stuff for-fucking-ever. I didn't even go into technique yet, and could hold forth on ages on how I did some of the splicing... I actually made all the manippy bits and some of the porn clips into gifs at first because it's far easier to do that in Photoshop and slap filters on in there, and then exported them into video and squeezed them back into Vegas. It was really interesting to see how that worked, and I'm getting hooked to this vidding business simply because Vegas is so easy to work with. AND BECAUSE I NEEDED AUDIOVISUAL PORN OF CONNIECOCKS GOING INTO BUNNYBOTTOMS.
Well, it was clearly meant to be! :P And that gape shot *is* just a bit delicious. And that massive gush of come :O I mean that's very much the sort of image I have in my head whenever Torsten or Jaffar are playing with ass - marvelling at how gapingly open she is. HAAIEEE there'd be so much felching because you *know* they wouldn't be able to resist a taste. Christ. It's probably a good thing you're not able to photoshop that because I'd most likely pop.
Hmm, I'm not sure where all the porny jazz must be hiding! Because there was a real lot of it about, especially in these vamper films that Hollywood were churning out around that time... Upbeat and dancy definitely would have seemed strange. Thanks for the links - I like that Silk and Sweat number.
Ah that's interesting. I do see the logic in that, especially if the film is trying to appeal to a mass audience. The biggest problem I always have with that sort of modern reinterpretation in period drama is when they mess about with/neglect to adopt the language and the costume appropriately - it tends to make me twitch. Without which why bother with making it period at all?
It's conflicting though especially when thinking about sex, because yeah, I definitely have my preferences when it comes to simple things like body hair (you're so not a bad person for having a personal preference for no body hair, I mean the whole idea of us being individuals is that we have thoughts/feelings/tastes specific to ourselves, right? And JSYK I love that Torsten is completely shaved :D) or physicality or whatever, and let's face it, when reading erotica it's always much better when those details fit with what you like, whether it be technically accurate to what may have been more common at the time. But I do think that erotica gives you a certain license to adjust a period piece because sex became such an undercurrent from around the 30's that the idea of sex remains unlimited, in my imagination at least.
Actually that layering up of historical accuracy and modern sexual sensibility is part of what I love about your writing! Because so rarely can one come across that sort of merger of time periods that really interest you (and that keep to the historical accuracy in terms of the aesthetic) and HOT PORN WITH CONRAD FUCKING VEIDT TEARING YOUR LADY BITS TO PIECES. *happy tears*
Oh really? Gosh, all this video stuff is above me, it sounds terribly complicated! Like, all in all how long would you say it took you to make? And I'm interested to know which bits turns out to be the most tricky...
Some of the music was just so, so 70s that it wouldn't have fit the mood, so the knifey one was strangely... soundtracky (even if in a more modern way) in comparison, so that's one of the reasons I ended up using it. The organ stuff and wacka-wacka with French moaning is just *too* 70s to work.
And yeah, I can't stand stuff that's too modernised--the Beeb hasn't been able to do proper period drama in ages. I can't stand them taking all these things like Robin Hood, Merlin and the Musketeers and just fucking them up and inserting modern dialogue, mumbly, chavvy actors and fucking hoodies and just... no. If you want to make it modern, fucking set it in the modern day; don't rape a classic! It's just so horribly intrusive and violating to me when the modernisation ruins things. But if you use just *small* amounts of it, like it being present maybe in a certain POV that you think about in a metatextual way after the movie/series (because you've been so wrapped up in the characters and the story), then it works. Which is again why I love ToB--it was made before everything got all cynical and breaking the fourth-wall-y and self-referential and postmodernly... knowing and hopeless or just smug. I haven't got time for that crap. Whereas with ToB I can totally take the Technicolor pink sets and the 1940s hairdos but still fucking have history nerd orgasms over Jaffar spouting ACTUAL REAL MEDIEVAL PERSIAN POETRY in a way you'd never see today. It'd be 'too Muslim', as would be turbans and the makers wouldn't think the kids would get it, which is so condescending (how, pray, would they ever learn otherwise?)... *blows steam out of nostrils* Yes, I have a huge bee in my bonnet about that.
Maybe it makes me a hypocrite, since it's not like they did A2M all that much in the Forties or medieval Persia? IDK. But I'm really glad if you think the modern kinkiness works because of the way I've wrapped it up in period stuff, because that's what I try to do. Very much. I think you can get away with various things (whether it's overly flowery, poetic phrases or modern-ish kinks or whatever) if you just give them proper context and ground them in a world where they become more plausible.
AND HOT PORN WITH CONRAD VEIDT IS ALWAYS NECESSARY. I mean, whatever I write, he wouldn't have seen in Berlin, down to the fucking milk enemas, I'm sure of it. So that's always a relief, if some idiot somewhere thinks I'm making things dirtier than they were or if I'm being demeaning or whatever--honestly, he would've seen all of this and just because we don't see it in the movies, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And he's one of the few people from that era who would've totally seen everything, so that's always reassuring. So often, with fanfic and RPF, you are guilt-tripped about perverting things, but it's great that Connie was all that and more anyway. I CAN'T OUT-PERV AN ACTUAL FUCKING BISEXUAL TRANSVESTITE MANWHORE FROM BERLIN.
Shall talk about the technical stuff in another comment, but nipping to the sauna for a bit to ponder upon more things... thanks again for allowing me to think these things out loud! This is incredibly stimulating :3333
That whole shaving thing is a ludicrous thing to contest anyway, especially the 'omg, it's a pedo thing' stuff. Nobody ever says that of guys who shave it all, do they? There are more markers for sexual maturity than pubes, for heaven's sake--the genitals are the last bit we see of a person we're attracted to anyway *if* we get lucky. And for me it's definitely a sexual orientation thing anyway, as I'm so put off by any characteristics that read as masculine, so I'm literally too fucking gay to like hairiness. That, and the whole taste/smell/pleasure stuff is just more natural for me--I don't shave my legs as often because I don't fucking come with my legs! But I do with my pussy, and the barer the better! Hnffg x__x And I think Torsten's deffo the type to try and seek maximum sensation and pleasure (and many transvestites do that to feel the lace and silk of lady knickers more intensely against their body), so that works.
Oh, no. Now I'm thinking of Connie shaving his bits for research... if anyone told him it's a Muslim custom to shave down there... fuck, that would explain Jaffar's walk. Connie's bare cock and balls, in silk knickers he'd borrowed off Lily... I NEED A FUCKING MINUTE. *whimpers*
Technically, the most difficult part is always to sync audio and images, especially as Vegas doesn't usually recognise the audio track on most video files. So I had to clip Connie's lines and re-insert them into the bits where they had to match his face. That was probably the greatest pain in the arse about the whole thing. The gifs-to-video stuff didn't actually take me as long, because I'm so used to fiddling with stuff in Photoshop. Although I'm really angry at myself and the world for having sustained this belief that vidding is incredibly hard for so long--because I know how hard and time-consuming simple still graphics, let alone gifs and manips can be--and then having realised Vegas is even easier than Photoshop. I literally figured it out (enough to make basic fanvids) in about one or two days, which I rarely ever do with a program that's so complex and powerful. o_O The amount of Who fanvids I would've made ten years ago if I'd only known, damn it! And I would make more for Connie if there were songs that fit, but I still can't think of one beyond Million Dollar Man, so I think I've pretty much done what I can with him when it comes to traditional fanvids at least. Like, Jaffar would require sinister bellydancing music or something...
Oh for goodness sake, I'll never get the whole 'shaving being pedo thing' ...I'm sure I've even read somewhere that it was so ingrained as a taboo that in Hollywood some actresses deliberately started shaving to put off the right-wing movie moguls and producers from trying it on with them. How true that is, I have no idea. But I'm totally with you on the taste/smell/pleasure experience being entirely different when hair is out of the picture. And the FEEL is so different from both sides - smooth skin just feels so much more appealing to me on another person, and likewise the feel of materials and someone's touch against your own hairless skin... mmm. Not to mention moisture and wetness kind of get lost in hair, I find.
OH GOD. But Connie would totally have done that wouldn't he have!?? He was such a method actor before that term even existed. And I'm pretty sure he'd have worn silk panties around every now and then REGARDLESS. That certainly would account for that Jaffar gate though... THIS IS KILLING ME. I MEAN FUCK.
Mmm, I can imagine that must be a real fiddly thing to have to do. Especially as - I'm guessing - the clips and the sound bites have completely different timings anyways. So you'd either have to try speed up or slow down one to work with the other? I'd say you clearly have a knack for it though (I think your Million Dollar Man video is perfection).
Speaking of appropriate songs and Lana Del Ray... 'Off to the Races' came up on my playlist the other day and Torsten and Laura were literally ALL I could think about as it was playing o_O
Hehehe I like the idea of Jaffar and sinister bellydancing :33 I reckon he'd be quite the pro when it comes to wriggling and gyrating. *BIG HEAVY FRUSTRATED SIGH*
Off To The Races was one of the reasons I ended up writing Devilry in the first place :D It's at first horrible to hear her doing that squeaky, camp, sugary barely-legal porn star little girl voice, but... fuckit. It works. And it works best for daddy kink, so that's literally where Laura's little girl voice during comes from! I mean, it's not as if I hadn't heard porn stars doing that (and deliberately in a campy way as well, not truly talking like that IRL) before, but holy fucking shit, once I took that and had Laura do it... o_O Meep. Or, more like, *Laura* just put it on and discovered the effect it had on Torsten and they just went from there.
Often I end up having to stretch or shrink the video bits, actually, so that's what throws the audio off at times. But it depends, yeah.
AND CONNIE TOTALLY WOULD HAVE WORN GIRLY KNICKERS AT TIMES. You just know it, right? I've sometimes wondered whether that was the key to that fucking whorewalk. Every time we see him slinking his hips, it's just because his nuts are swinging in a nice little silk hammock. JESUS. It's so much worse that we legit know he was into this thing and it's not just a slash fangirl projection, isn't it?
Sex and wanking are always the best when I'm freshly shaved, it just allows for a hell of a lot more sensation in general. Did men shave in medieval Persia as well? Crazy that it's been so much a part of the culture that hair removal has such significance as to how a girl would be viewed...
Aaah cool! There is something very... Lolita-ey about the way Lana sings. And that song really does scream daddy kink. And it seems to come so naturally to Laura, or rather that entire play comes so naturally to the both of them that I honestly can't imagine them any other way. But yeah, I can't listen to that song without thinking about them! What I must look like when I've got my headphones on and start smirking to myself on the train and such :P
YES HE WOULD HAVE. Oh God. Isn't it all too wonderful? :') And that would make a lot of sense with the slinks, he was probably just stroking his balls against the silkiness wasn't he? Bastard, we've discovered your methods! Well this is the thing that makes him so insanely, amazingly, brilliant, is that it's *all* for fucking real. And I just adore that. I do just have to take a step back sometimes, because WTF Connie? HOW?? *flops*
And hell, Lana quotes Lolita in the song itself! Shame it's a bit too trashy what with the ghetto glam thing, which makes it too modern to be used for Torsten. I can't really imagine him as some hip hop gangsta type, but if only she'd made a 1940s version... wait, that's Million Dollar Man :P Cola (Pussy) and Sad Girl always give me great vibes for that sort of thing, too, and Ultraviolence has that fucked-up thing going on where even a violent relationship can be romantic (well, if they never were, women wouldn't stay in them--it's sad that often the most abusive guys are the most romantic ones, but that's never talked about). So, yeah; I'm really glad Lana's making songs about such politically incorrect and fucked-up things because whether they're healthy or not, they *happen,* you know? So that helped me get off my arse and write about that kind of stuff.
I have to take a step back sometimes and just YELL AT HIM because it pisses me off at times that he really was that pervy! So often, the greatest fun in slash comes from subverting masculinity and heterosexuality but there's, like, fucking nothing to subvert about him. It's fun if someone gives Thor pink knickers and weaves flowers into his hair but nope, CONNIE WORE HIS WIVES' DRESSES AND DRAGGED OLIVIER TO A GAY BROTHEL AND RESCUED SOME JEWS FROM THE NAZIS ON HIS WAY HOME AND I WANT TO KILL HIM. How was he even possible? Like, you'd think there would've been a biopic at least or some fictional characters based on that level of awesome? Although a biopic would probably completely claim him as gay and focus only on that, though :( I've seen a few where that's the only thing that gets addressed when the famous person did tons of more stuff--the actual stuff that made them famous--and they biopic just reduced him to A Gay Person. So you wouldn't probably see him sheltering war kids in his bathroom because they'd be too busy showing him sucking off Gary Cooper or something.
Oh for sure! It's definitely a positive thing to address things that are slightly more of the 'fucked-up' nature, because whether we like it or not, twisted and unfortunate things absolutely do happen. Mmm, violent relationships are a strange one, I always feel like people don't accept that they could have at one time been romantic or lovely or sweet... I also don't really understand this idea that by read/writing/singing about things like that is supposedly 'promoting' or 'popularising' such things. What's the alternative?
The thought of Connie dragging Olivier around Berlin to play in brothels iS JUST FUCKING LUDICROUS. And those articles about him taking in children during the war, and donating so much of his salary to the war efforts are just so heart warming :) It's things like that that would be so wonderful to see in a biopic. Gosh, how I'd love an accurate account of his life and career to be made, because there was so very much to the man. Alas, I fear you may be right and the focus would just drift toward crass anecdotes. It bugs me that there is already this misconception out there that he was completely gay... but that seems to be quite common with a lot of stars who were bisexual - someone always has to try and claim them as 'belonging' to one or the other.
And yeah, the fuckage-uppage needs to be addressed and talked about and not even in the sense that it should be healed or fixed some way. It's also horrible the way the blame is always on the women for somehow being sentimental or dumb for being stuck in those relationships, when it's far more complicated than that. It's the really romantic people who are the most prone to crazy mood swings and who can be the most unstable even as they're passionate. The abusive, violently jealous idiot who fucked up most of the 00s for me and left me eternal scars was also the kind of guy who would make love to me in candlelight, pour champagne over my naked body and lick it off and actually cry as he made love to me so that his tears poured down my breasts. So if anyone tries to tell me that was an illusion or that he was somehow faking it and somehow just fooling me and that he really didn't love me, I'm not having any of that. You can love someone and still be a wanker about it, and there's just no way around that. It's more about people being fuckups and their own shit getting in the way of relationship happiness rather than a simple abuser/abused scenario. It's very rarely some cliched chauvinist pig with a beer gut in a string vest beating up his wife because he thinks it's fun; it's more likely that the guy's been abandoned many times and has had his trust broken up (mine came from a broken home) and then that fucks up his relationships and then perpetuates the cycle of fail. It's never an excuse, of course, and never acceptable, but to try and frame it in black and white terms is ludicrous and demeaning to the victims as well. I believe it's fully possible that one person can be both the love of your life and also someone who's poisonous to your soul. Which is sad, but there you go.
That whole lingering funk and mankiness with body hair is one issue I have, yeah. And it's the odour thing that's often made me think my sexuality's somehow fucked up because I can fancy a guy but then his body odour, even normal levels of it can make me violently unattracted to him--the very fucking moment we've taken our clothes off and are supposed to get shagging. I've so, so rarely been attracted to men physically and usually it's been to his personality more than anything else--we might have had great fun in bed, but I haven't worshipped his body the same way I've worshipped those of some of my female lovers. Yet I know I like being on the bottom and love dick and the weight of a man on top of me way more than I like nomming a woman, so I could develop a real sexual crisis about this if I were of the Tumblr generation of sexual wangst. Thankfully, I'm not, but it does get frustrating at times. I've got a soft butch lesbian friend who says I'm more lesbian than lesbians in that sense because I'm just so bulletproof femmesexual it's insane. If there would be more lipstick/bi women about who were super-femme and if more guys like Connie existed, I probably would've never realised I even had any hetero feelings.
Aaaand then this fucker happens and he's more feminine than half the women he plays against and HOW?
Whoops, this became quite personal, but there you have it. I actually envy Torsten and Laura being more sexually fluid than I am in the end, so fanfic's pretty great for this kind of thing.
Mmm definitely, there really is no clear cut explanation or solution to relationships like that. It's not like they begin or end with any sort of real clarity, because that's just not how emotional relationships work, I don't think. Abuse and/or a realisation that someone has a detrimental influence on your soul can - and often is - a gradual feeling that creeps up until *eventually* it overwhelms. And I agree completely that true feelings, and real love exists in relationships like that! No one has the right to deny that sort of thing, really. Again it's this silly idea that opposing things/feelings can't possibly exist within a whole. Therefore the idea of fixing or healing is sort of problematic anyways because these things aren't exactly definable to begin with. But to talk about it, involve it in discourse at least dilutes that concentrated delusion that a woman must be sentimental or dumb or whatever to 'allow' it to happen. It's all much too complicated to deserve that sort of slap of ignorance from anyone. Corr blimey, life, you strange piece of thing.
That's funny because I've actually had very similar experiences myself in terms of attraction, and I've always found it very difficult to describe. I mean I'm very much bisexual and very much 50/50 when it comes to being top or bottom, but I certainly do think of the female form as being more beautiful... to touch, to look at, to worship as you say. And it's odd but I *think* I put it down to that simple distaste for hair and odour (and yes! it always seems to be at that exact moment when things are supposed to go from hot to boiling), because that has such an affect on my attraction levels towards someone. And men - for the most part - tend to be much hairier and more prone to... pungency shall we say. And androgynous, effeminate guys are so fucking rare these days because of the wanky stigma attached to men who aren't butch or manly enough and, heaven forbid, take care to preen a little. I knew a very femme but straight dancer once who did shave everything and he was just the loveliest thing, to see an entirely sleek and smooth male form. Mmm. But hey, Torsten and Jaffar! :3
But now if you'll excuse me, I shall take my leave. I've a dance session with two devils in chapter 7 that I mustn't miss.
But yeah, I don't even have anything to add now myself, so go and enjoy the evil dancing :D
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