I don't care if something awful is going to happen soon at this rate, but I've had a pretty good day. Such a good day, in fact, that I've got to record it for posterity.
Today, I have actually:
-Had a fairly decent night's sleep (not the best, but one that's left me functional, which is rare)
-Went to a) the supermarket b) the post office c) the pharmacy on my own without assistance and without a walking stick (this only happens once or twice a month)
-Tested a new sex toy I was sent and wrote most of what's going to be the final review (sadly, it wasn't the greatest, even if it was one of those
posh new toys--I'm so sick and tired of G-spot toys because they don't really yield to your body's curves and you can't stick them deep and thrust with them, which is my preference with toys. Please tell me I'm not the only woman on the planet who's all meh about those and prefers dick-shaped, elastic toys you can thrust with/ride instead? Please? My wanking really isn't just about lying down on my back and barely moving the toy at all or finding the most pleasure in the front wall of the vag. I want it deep, dammit. Oh, and I fucking hate those rings because they are the wrong way around when you should be able to hook your fingers in from the top and not from the side, FFS. Are there ever any actual *women* involved in the design process of these things? Who the fuck holds their toys from the side? Where your actual THIGH is? What?!)
-Actually wasn't too tired to shave my bits, partially to make the reviewing easier when there wasn't anything in the way
-Wrote an entire chapter of Devilry 3 and a very fucking intense and shocking one at that. It's the shortest chapter in the entire thing, as it's plotty and not meant to be erotic, but still. I got through an entire major turning point at the end, after which there will only be the final crescendo. 2600 words down so far and I'm still polishing it, so it might end up being more than that. Oh, and it's one of the creepiest, if not *the* creepiest thing I've ever written a protagonist doing. And considering the dark shit I've written the Master doing, that's pretty damn creepy. If you thought all that business with Smythe was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. I was shocking myself as I wrote it.
-I will answer those meme questions for other fics later on, fear not. I just realised I'm going to have to read the fics through again before knowing what the hell to answer, so it's taking a while. And I'm just itching to change so much about the original Of Roses Unfurling you wouldn't even know--there are so many phrases I'd never use now and so many things I'd use different words for and augh. It's really irritating because the first fic isn't nearly as good as some of the later ones, so the reader won't get a good idea of the standard it does end up reaching eventually. Damn and blast. But isn't that the curse of all long fic series? (And it was my first solo longfic, so I was still trying to figure the whole thing out and didn't have chapters or anything and still used many phrases that were more
versaphile than me. But ah well, you live and learn.)
-Since I've got a couple of new Connie people reading this thing (well, presumably reading this thing), I should point out that the Connie mood theme I'm using can be found
here and it's totally up for grabs. And if you want any Connie-related icons, I can whip some up if you wanna.
-Oh, and I just Photoshopped Torsten doing Laura up the arse and I'm so going to hell. I'm not sure if it's that great a manip, however, so I don't know if it'll ever see the light of day. But I felt distinctly corrupted while 'shopping it, even if the Bonita headshot was from when she was about 20. This damn 'verse is really screwing my brain around but I am already starting to feel melancholic about having to say goodbye to these two after... two chapters or so, I think. *sniffle* And the weirdest thing is that I've exorcised so many "how far can you go?" demons with this 'verse that I don't think I will ever be able to write anything darker or more twisted, ever. So that's a strange thing to contemplate, considering how much darkfic I've written in my *mumbledy* years of fanficcing. But on the other hand, even rereading some of the Jaffar/Princess stuff makes me realise how much I miss the purity and the depth of their love, really. At least they are much better for my health.