
Dec 14, 2014 19:13

-Went to see Grandpa and his wife today and it went much better than expected. His memory was not so great so I talked more to his wife, and they were asking about my life and what I was doing and stuff like that. So I said I was on a disability pension now and that I did writing for my own fun and stuff like that. And obvy, I mentioned medieval Persia and the Veidt and stuff and she remembered him! Think she saw ToB whenever they finally showed it in Finland after the war, 1947 or something like that. So I was just "yes, and now he gets the princess!" And turns out she was really into Virpi Hämeen-Anttila's books--this is the missus of The Awesome Professor Dude, Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila who's that Persia/Arabic/Golden Age of Islam guru (without whose Finnish translations and nonfiction works I would never have been able to write what I've written) and we got talking about them and their works and stuff and that was just great. Poor Gramps was mostly quiet and watched sports, but we talked about some old-timey stuff and that was cool. Mostly it was great to bitch with two people of that age about how the kids today have no manners, boys wearing ugly beanies and baseball caps indoors and stuff like that:P And we got to exchange some health tips and stuff--she was really into ginger as an anti-nausea med so she would buy these really expensive pieces of sugared ginger from a health food shop. And I'd brought some of my beloved Ting Ting Jahe ginger candy over--it's an Indonesian brand and now you can get it from this one Kurdish-owned shop in the city centre and she said she preferred it to the stuff she was using--and when I told her a packet of 10 of those candies cost only 1.50 e, she said she'd definitely give them a go the next time. And she was using this health food shop melatonin thing to get to sleep but I recommended her the sister product of the same manufacturer that had all the same vitamins and stuff but had tryptophan instead, and how that was even better for getting to sleep (and improving one's mood). So, yeah, success:) I thought I'd make an arse of myself with people 60 years my senior, but apparently not :)

-Money situation still screwed--got a couple of small donations and I'm very grateful for that, thank you. But I'm still 225 e short and don't know what the hell I'll do but I'll just not think about it right now and go into COMPLETE AND UTTER DENIAL for a while because it's in God's hands right now. Connie, yo, can I get an intervention since you were so good at this whole angel business and stuff?

-But, yeah. At the moment, I am just too tired to struggle and angst because it's out of my hands. Shall knock myself out on painkillers as the bloodbath arrived as well and now I'm just going to curl up around a heating pad, underneath a thick quilt in candlelight and flump.

family, grandpa, poverty sucks

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