Oh dear god, I have discovered the
Depressing Finland blog and it's fucking hilarious. I mean, that kind of encapsulates the dark, deadpan gallows humour of the entire culture, I suppose. Some gems:
Remember FBI Cat and those other FBI animals? Here's a Lapland policeman with
a POLICE REINDEER. Not comedy, but
a cool time lapse video illustrating the amount of light in Finland during midwinter vs. midsummer. Although this may have been taken a bit further south than I am right now, because we are getting even more light in the middle of the night than the place on the right. AND THIS IS WHY I DON'T FUCKING SLEEP AT NIGHT. People sometimes don't believe me when I say they turn the streetlights off at night for the lightest months, but this is a fact--I think in that video, they are on for about an hour in the middle of the night or something.
Finnish proverbs. You may have seen the Väinämöinen meme around. Some of these aren't that funny and are just the same old Biblical ones that exist in other languages, but some are hilarious when translated into English. The "the greedy person has a shitty end" is a legit old saying. There's legit a self-service fleamarket in my town whose website has a list of tips for sellers and their advice on pricing your stuff is "keep your prices reasonable. And you remember what happened to the greedy person, don't you?" because everyone's familiar with the scatological saying. And it's lolarious. Well. Okay. To me, anyhow.
And speaking of my home town,
there is a blog dedicated to the place, too. Never come here... please. There are reasons why I feel like I don't belong here at all. I do like
the local cuisine from a low-carb perspective, though. That whole thing started out when a kebab shop owner ran out of cardboard/styrofoam boxes to put the kebabs in late at night and then just used a big cardboard cup instead.
The amount of metal bands per 100,000 people:
a world chart. Speaking of which:
TV advert for pain-relieving throat lozenges.
A lot of the social awkwardness posts that blog has are really good, too. I honestly just used to think my introversion and hysterical sense of Not Wanting To Bother People when I'm out of the house and not wanting to ask anything for myself (
EVEN IF I SLIPPED AND BROKE MY LEG) was a Finnish thing when I had to explain my social awkwardness to British psychiatrists. I would just say it was a Finnish thing, and I think a lot of it still is--by the standards of many other countries, the average Finn would kind of come across as autistic anyway because we're second only to the Japanese in that sort of hyper-politeness/awkwardness thing.
This is very illustrative. As is
this. The translation is shit but that is a legit polite letter from someone living in an apartment block asking their neighbours not to bother them by saying hello all the time. That s/he's told people not to greet her/him and how it makes it impossible for him/her to live in that building and that it's starting to infringe on their right to basic privacy. And then there's
A collection of "meanwhile, in Finland" graphics. I hadn't seen the one with the snowmobile/inflatable shark guys before and for some reason, that is making me shit myself laughing. The guys' faces make it. The outdoor sauna with the biggest birch leaf whisk ever made made me laugh out loud too.
A comedy sketch parodying Finnish movies that encapsulates why I don't watch Finnish (or Nordic) movies in general. Descends to Python level hilarity very soon, though. I used to fucking love this show in the 90s--one of the few times when Finnish comedy has actually been funny.
And I've got to stop now before I post any more; I've already reblogged too many...