(no subject)

May 27, 2014 12:32

As LJ's been sold again and they've been messing up the site with yet another set of "improvements" that aren't improvements at all, I do wonder whether I've been saved a *lot* of heartache by just using Semagic to post and edit my entries and using a customised version of Component for my layout. I use Component for my entries, comments and friendslist pages and LJ hasn't managed to mess those up yet (knock on wood). I don't know if saying that's going to help anyone because I don't know if it's possible to use one of those old styles any more if you've recently arrived on LJ or whatever, but I wonder how many users have ever even been aware of them. (And yeah, I know they aren't available for free/ad-free users and I *am* a privileged, lucky creature for having received a permanent account as a gift from a friend many moons ago.)

But yeah, I think that if I'd have to use that hideous web-posting form thingit to post my entries, I would've been driven nuts ages ago--and the front page is just so hideous and full of upsetting/annoying crap from ONTD and the like that my sanity wouldn't have been able to take it. But I don't trust web-posting forms in general and save everything in a text file on my desktop anyway before I post it--been on the intarwebz far too long to just trust a long comment or a blog post will never be swallowed by some code b0rkage. And Semagic does have the option for saving drafts and everything, and you can do all the HTML coding with just a few clicks. If I need to write something that includes images and links in an LJ comment or elsewhere, I often switch to my Semagic client just to write and format everything faster without having to type in all the code.

God, IDK, I can't write this post without coming across as some sort of smug elitist and I hate that. Forgive me, I don't know *how* to talk about these things like coming across as some wanky nerd who's all "hurf durf Linux for everything hurf durf code code code and who needs Windows hurf durf who gives a shit about websites and gaming and all these programs hurf durf code." Because I can't stand people like that. I know some people have tried Semagic and have hated it and that's okay, but I just needed to pimp it again in case there were still some people who weren't aware of it and who might find it makes posting easier. Because it sure as hell does for me and I've managed to customise it to meet my needs--shit, there are reasons why I've been using it for over a decade now.

So, yeah, this is just a heads-up for those who might benefit from it.

semagic, lj

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