Title: Dance With the Devil (Part 2/12, completed fic)
snowgrouseFandom: A Woman's Face (1941), original fiction
Pairing: Torsten Barring/Laura Erika Barring, Torsten/OCs, Laura/OCs,Torsten/Laura/OCs
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Erotica, Darkfic
Warnings: Incest, underage, anal sex, hard BDSM, watersports, fisting, noncon, some scat (full list of tags on Ao3)
Length: ~100 000 words
Summary: Laura and Torsten leave war-torn Europe for America, taking on new lovers and indulging in new debaucheries. As they descend into the clandestine world of New York's elite sex clubs, they soon discover the patrons gamble with more than just their reputations. After falling afoul of a sinister English nobleman, they realise their very lives may be at stake.
A/N: A sequel to
Because the World Belongs to the Devil. Will not make much sense without knowledge of the first part. You needn't have seen the movie to enjoy either story, however.
He snuck his fingers into the waistband and peeked inside, then laughed in mock shock. "But Laura, Laura! It's all smooth down here." He pulled the panties lower so that my thighs were trapped together, framing my pussy, pressing its lips together in offering. "A smooth little baby pussy," he crooned.
At his words, I shook so much my hips came off the floor. I cried out loudly as he pulled me to lie down on my side, so that he could spread my buttocks, look at my pussy and my ass. He just chuckled. "You know exactly what your Daddy likes."
A little baby pussy. I reeled at his words, the way he articulated the exact perversity of what we were doing. And again, he purred it, "A smooth little baby pussy," leaning down to lap at me in uninhibited, sick delight. And which one of us was more insane, he or I? Because I loved this, loved being violated over and over, giving myself to my beloved uncle, my beloved father over and over. I could have left him long ago, could have rejected his desires, but why should I have if those desires matched mine exactly? I laughed inside at the idea of what would have happened had Fate never brought us together. Would he have become a real molester, preying on true innocents instead of the child who was born a whore? Would I have burned myself to exhaustion seducing older men, none of whom would have dared give me this, the father-lover I had always sought?)