B7, memes, Connies, books, writing, all kinds of things

Apr 22, 2014 04:49

-Texts from the Federation continues to be one of the greatest things that's ever happened in B7 fandom. If you haven't seen it yet, go go go go go. I don't think I've ever seen a better match for the texts than this fandom. I guess it's exactly because a lot of those texts are about snarking and sex and cynicism and regrets and more sex. So that's basically perfect for B7.

-Speaking of meme Tumblrs, is there one for politically incorrect bisexual confessions? Where I could really live up to the sex maniac stereotype and not give a fuck? It's just got so warm here that I need to prepare myself for the onslaught of all the hot jailbait jiggling past me in too-short shorts. I nearly accidentally outed myself (or probably did out myself) last summer ogling all that thigh and arse. It was MADDENING. I felt like I should put on a dirty mac and start breathing through my mouth. And quite possibly yell "YOU ARE FOURTEEN! TAKE THOSE THIGHS AWAY FROM ME!" But, you know, it'd be refreshing and healing to see other women being equally horny, dirty old bastards. Let's talk about jailbait T&A in the name of sex positivity! Any excuse!

-As threatened, I made a post charting the development of Connie's teefs. All very important, as I'm sure you will understand. It's odd that even if Hollywood fixed them and made them pretty perfect by Casablanca, I still sexually respond to Jaffar's. But then again, he was a hot manwitch and not a Nazi scumbag, and I'm sure you'll agree that goes long way in the whole mate selection business.

-Note to authors, fantasy authors in particular: just moving characters from one place to another does not constitute the sort of development that keeps me hooked. If there's no character development going on and they're just... travelling, maybe doing a couple of tiny plot-related things as they go but nothing major, I am not interested. This is probably the no.1 reason I have left books unfinished (and I very, very rarely do because it makes me feel really uncomfortable not to; having anything unfinished lying around, especially as I'd invested interest or even emotions into it in the first place makes my brain itch). The prose may be beautiful, the history may be accurate, the scenery may be really pretty, but if they're not going anywhere characterwise or plotwise, skip it. Please. You don't have to replicate the experience of a week-long boring journey where nothing happens. (Did LotR make people think this was a good thing, something that fantasy required? I still want a TARDIS to go back in time and get Tolkien a harsher editor to cut out the endless scenery where bugger-all happens.)

-I reached the 84 k mark with the porn epic yesterday and managed to work in a murder plot. Now I need a break to sort out the ending. And predictably enough, the biggest difficulty in that is not "how do I resolve the murder plot?" rather than "how do I fit in all these sex scenes I meant to include? I have planned like two but now it seems like there's only place for one after the murder thing is resolved." So, yeah. I guess I'm going to have to wait with the whole murder plot resolution thing just so I can keep all the fucking. It's become pretty hurt/comforty by now because some crazydark shit's been going down, so the characters kind of need it. AND I haven't put Torsten in a dress yet, which is, of course, way more important than resolving a murder plot. I mean, priorities. Priorities.

blake's 7, books, conrad veidt, queer, writing, bisexuality

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